San Joaquin Valley, California
“I'm not to see you're jumping fences. I'm not to hear you're jumping fences. I'm not to dream you're jumping fences or the deal is off and all you have left to look forward to is a long discussion with me.”
Fortunately, Scott’s promise was taken seriously by his little cousin as he searched for a fine breed for her to ride before starting her equestrian lessons. He finally found a horse he had in mind. The thoroughbred cross, much like the one Scott rode, was taller and leaner than the stock horses used for ranch work. This beautiful buckskin with black mane had failed to be a cutting or roping horse so the owner was happy to sell it at a reasonable price. Scott still needed time to further train the animal before Kinsey could start her lessons. But for now, he encouraged his cousin to take rides in order to bond with her new friend. So, today it was Scott driving the wagon with Winnie at his side, while Johnny, Kinsey, Barranca, and Buck followed.
“That beastly animal outsizes the girl.”
The older woman caught her driver rolling his eyes.
“Forgive me, Winifred. Your vast knowledge of horsemanship momentarily slipped my mind.” Scott smiled at his companion’s doubting expression. “The wee lass can handle a horse. Put your worry beads away. I’d never let Kinsey do anything dangerous.”
A shout came from behind. “Wait until you see me shoot a gun, Winnie!”
“Ah, ScottyGarrett, forgive me. Yer vast knowledge of sensible guidance momentarily slipped my mind. Stop a moment, please.”
‘Dear God. She’s going to reprimand me for letting Kinsey hold a gun.’
As the two riders came alongside, it was clear Winnie had something else in mind.
“I want to see your valley.”
Scott looked where his friend was pointing; to the rocky bluff where Kinsey nearly took a tumble the first day of her arrival.
“So are ye thinkin’ I’m too old to climb a few rocks?”
“No Winnie, I’m thinking I need to find another route home from Stockton.”
Climbing down unassisted, the order was given. “JohnnyVal, please tell yer brother to escort me to yonder hill.”
“Yes, Ma’am. Scott would you be so kind…”
“I heard her, Johnny.” Knowing smiles were exchanged between the two young men. “Wait here. No sense we all have sprained ankles.”
Offering his arm, Scott and Winnie carefully picked their way around the more intimidating boulders and loose rock to finally reach the vantage point that had caught her eye as it had Kinsey’s.
“Winnie, sit down. You’re having trouble breathing.”
“My corset is too tight.”
“You’re not in Boston. You can….relax a bit more.”
“And lose my girlish figure? Nonsense.”
Both observers smiled as they appreciated their surroundings.
“Ah, Scotty. That view is what is taking me breath away.”
“And you are happy here?”
“I am.”
A soft breeze rustling the tree’s leaves took advantage of the momentary lull in the conversation.
“A good grandson by now has asked how his grandfather is fairing.”
“A good grandson has been corresponding with his grandfather on a regular basis and already knows the answer.”
Sighing, Scott realized how much he had missed the give and take.
“Winnie, how is my grandfather doing?”
“He’s doing well, ScottyGarrett. You are a good grandson for asking. Tell me. How is the bull doing?”
“The bull?”
“Your father.”
Scott’s laugh echoed down through the valley. “My father hasn’t changed.”
“Thus my surprise when Kinsey writes to me about his invitation.”
“Murdoch has been anticipating your visit.”
“Well now...yer still good at it.”
“Good at what, Winnie?”
“Saying one thing while meaning something slightly different.”
If Winnie knew the truth, Kinsey would get a second chance to plummet off the cliff; this time thrown. Scott was about to define his meaning of “anticipating” when Winnie shifted the topic of conversation once again.
“Those two we left down below...they are quite fond of each other.”
“They are indeed.”
“A bit lopsided, I think. That should make an interesting time of it.” Before Scott could confirm Winnie’s astute observation, she continued on.
“And what about you, ScottyGarrett? Who have you given your heart to? It’s a fact, the McGuire families produce good strong women. I once knew a man who courted twin sisters...God rest his soul.”
Scott closed his eyes and made a decision. He was going to throttle Kinsey.
“Winifred, are you sightseeing or interrogating?”
“I enjoy both. Why not combine them.”
Smiling, Scott nodded and took up residence on the rock next to his friend.
“Well, I see you are still good at both but, for now, let’s just enjoy the view. There will be plenty of time for everything else.”
The older woman soaked in the beauty before her wishing the young man’s statement was true.