Boston, Massachusetts
Beacon Hill
My little cousin would have excelled as an officer in the military. I came to my conclusion this evening during the meeting she insisted on with my grandfather and me.
First of all, she knows how to choose the better of the battlegrounds. My grandfather suggested our meeting take place in his study, but Kinsey decreed it would be the dining room. Next, the positioning of the encampments can be crucial. The little general placed the two opposing officers directly across the table from each other while she took the good ground at the head of the table.
Also, how the enemy is perceived can be an important step to victory. Grandfather and I were to be seated while Kinsey remained standing. Grant would have been proud.
One of deadliest mistakes an officer can make is underestimating his adversary. It was obvious by my grandfather’s opening statement he was not taking this new addition to the Garrett lineage seriously.
“My dear child, please understand my time is limited and more important matters require my attention. However, Scotty has convinced me I should set aside a moment or two to humor you with a conversation.”
Scott’s eyes slowly gazed upward to observe his cousin’s arched eyebrow and a straight line where her smile was usually found. An expression, which reminded him of the day Johnny dug a rather deep hole when pointing out Kinsey’s lack of domestic skills. Evidently, his grandfather possessed a bigger shovel allowing him to dig a much deeper hole in the half the time. Scott sat back, crossed his arms and smiled.
“Thank you for a moment of your time, Uncle Harlan. I would like to discuss my grandfather’s will and the trust.”
Harlan stood. “My dear girl, we can conclude this dialogue right now. Scotty and I are handling this. I fear it may take longer than anticipated for the matter to be settled but I can assure you an agreement will be reached that will be best for …”
“I’ve hired a lawyer.”
For an instant, it appeared Harlan Garrett had lost all knowledge of the King’s English. He simply stood in place and stared. Not comprehending Kinsey’s statement, he turned his questioning gaze to his grandson who surely could deliver a reasonable explanation.
Grinning, Scott shrugged his shoulders. “She hired a lawyer.”
Harlan slowly sat back down. The changing expression on his face signaled to Scott that his grandfather would be finding his voice shortly. “You knew about this?”
“Kinsey mentioned it earlier this afternoon.”
“And you agreed to this poor decision?”
“I will admit, Sir, I was surprised at first but I believe this is a good decision made by a very level-headed young woman who grew tired of dealing with two stubborn men.”
Gathering steam, Harlan returned his attention to Kinsey. “Who is this lawyer?”
“His name is Thomas Simmons.”
“Never heard of him.”
Harlan rose to his feet for the second time. “You let me know Scott when you’re ready to have a serious conversation with me about Kinsey’s future…and yours I might add. This young lady knows nothing of legal matters and I’m certain neither does her charlatan lawyer.”
Remaining calm, Scott allowed his grandfather a few steps from the table before speaking. “The young lady knows the difference between a revocable and an irrevocable trust. I’m guessing her lawyer knows the difference too.”
Harlan Garrett remained still as his grandson continued. “She knows any legal issues filed against her trust would take place in the Philadelphia courts, the origin of her grandfather’s will and estate. She knows this process could be quite lengthy. She also knows Boston is not the only city in which the women’s rights movement is gaining momentum.” Scott paused to reflect. “Quite frankly, Sir, I’m amazed what the young lady knows. May I suggest you return to the table so we can both learn more?”
Begrudgingly, Harlan returned not to “learn more” but to strategically maneuver his position of domineering the discussion.
“Tell me, my dear, what are your feelings regarding your return to your parents in Melbourne?”
Frowning, Scott closed his eyes while picturing himself walking the streets of Boston in search of a runaway. Kinsey’s response shocked his eyes open again.
“Well Sir, I believe my feelings would match yours upon learning that Johnny Lancer joined the Garrett lineage through marriage to your niece.”
Much to his relief, Scott observed his card shark cousin reach up to curl a finger around a strand of hair, her poker-playing tell for a bluff.
Clearing his throat, the grandson decided it was best to bring this to a halt before his grandfather passed out. “Yes, well, another discussion topic we should have perhaps at a later time.”
“Gentlemen. I have a proposal that might put an end to our battle.
Proposal?' Scott’s brow dipped. Now what is she talking about? A wedding proposal? She isn’t bluffing. Dear God.
Kinsey walked over to the room’s butler side table to retrieve a bottle, which she placed between her two combatants.
Scott raised his eyebrows. “Champagne?”
Harlan was less inquisitive. “I see no reason for a celebration of any kind.”
Kinsey folded her hands in front of her and put forth her proposal.
“This bottle doesn’t represent a celebration, Uncle Harlan...Scott. However, I’d like to think it could in the near future. Right now, this bottle represents our common ground.” Taking a deep breath, Kinsey continued. “I want to invest…no, that’s not right…I want to purchase a vineyard to establish a winery which will produce some of the finest California champagne and wines that even Boston will serve. But more important; the three of us will be equal business partners in this venture. I want this winery to be part of our Garrett legacy.”
Smiling, Scott was the first to test the waters. “Well, this is an intriguing proposition, Freckles. Of course, it would involve grandfather traveling to California from time to time to view the business; offer suggestions and guidance.”
Understanding Scott’s thinking, Kinsey nodded. “Of course. Also, I believe you and I would need to come to Boston on occasions to meet with investors…that is if Uncle Harlan knows of any persons who would show an interest.”
Harlan picked up the champagne. “The other side of the coin?”
“My dear young lady, if you are going to become a successful business woman you must learn quickly there is always the other side of a coin.”
Scott mentally guessed what his cousin was about to say and smiled.
“My grandfather’s will remains as he intended. All protests against the revisions cease. You, Sir, will not pursue your intentions of regaining control of the trust and I will stop the paperwork regarding resetting the beneficiary’s age to nineteen.”
Scott blinked. Nineteen? It was originally twenty-one. Nineteen would have given her immediate control of the finances. The girl was getting weary of dealing with two stubborn men.'
Harlan stood and glanced at the bottle one more time before saying “goodnight”. The older man left the room with no further comment.
As Kinsey sat down, Scott watched tears fill her eyes. Reaching out he took her hand. “Look at me. I love this idea. In fact, I once proposed the same venture to Murdoch, who immediately dismissed it so I let it go. We are not going to let it go this time. If need be we will fight the good fight.”
The next morning Kinsey once again scrutinized the scene, which was taking place in the dining room and was disheartened. The two authority figures present were each sequestered behind their newspaper at opposite ends of the table. Choosing the halfway point between the two camps, Kinsey sat down and poured a cup of coffee.
The newspaper to her right spoke first. “Did you have a good night’s sleep, my dear?”
“Yes, very restful. Thank you for inquiring.”
The newspaper to the left spoke next.
“Would you care for a muffin, Freckles?”
“Yes, they’re right in front of me. I’ll help myself. Thank you.”
The newspaper on the right submitted a thought for approval. “I believe Charles Krug is someone we should be corresponding with. His vineyard leadership seems to have sparked a new growth in the industry.”
Kinsey paused mid-bite into her muffin.
The newspaper on the left offered an observation. “Schramsberg stock is up two points.”
The newspaper on the right suggested an idea. “Why travel to Napa or Sonoma when the San Joaquin Valley possesses such rich land? Perhaps I should free up my appointments next month for a visit.”
The newspaper to the left lowered. A pair of sky blue eyes appeared to bless the little cousin with a wink.