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The Palmer House - Chicago

Writer: ljellis57ljellis57

Updated: May 13, 2023


We have arrived in Chicago. Keeping my promise to you

and mentioning finances should not be an issue, I have acquired us rooms at the Palmer House. To say this hotel is luxurious is an understatement. It is downright opulent. I’m guessing we will be reviewing your definition of “spending within reason” upon our arrival back home.

Kinsey’s pledge to “stick like glue” was broken soon after we departed from the train. While ascertaining the number of floors of the Palmer House she needed to get a better view.

“Scott, I count seven! Extraordinary. We must stay on the seventh floor.”

Luckily, my arm is long and the waistband of her skirt held. I believe the streetcar conductor yelled a profanity. Fortunately, the screams of his passengers were louder.

Once settled into our rooms on the seventh floor…

“Boston, I’m not sure sleeping at this height is going to be that relaxing.”

…Johnny and I decided that time spent with the hotel barber would be beneficial.

“Scott, are those silver dollars stuck in the floor?”

“It appears so.”

“Why would an intelligent man do that?”

“Because he can.”

I lost Johnny for a time as he insisted on exploring on his own to soak up the culture the Palmer House had to offer.

“Anyone who can afford to walk on silver dollars should have a acceptable bottle of tequila sitting on a shelf somewhere.”

Upon returning to our room he had acquired an edition of Mark Twain’s “The Adventure’s of Tom Sawyer”.

“Where did you get that?”

”It’s the book I told you to get Kinsey when we were in Denver.”

“I know that. Where did you get it?”

“Man I met downstairs. Said I had a good eye for distilled spirits. Noticed he had the book. Next thing I know he’s giving it to me. Told him I would pay for it but he turned me down. Said he had more copies.”

“Johnny, what was this man’s name?”

“Said to call him Samuel. Nice fella.”

The crowds in Chicago are massive due to President Grant’s arrival. According to the papers there will be a grand parade tomorrow honoring the general and veterans who also be included in the march. Kinsey is insisting I participate and grows increasing disappointed I am not matching her enthusiasm. I have decided my little cousin would have made an excellent general herself due to her strategy on patiently selecting the battles and choosing good ground. The good ground was the evening meal while being influenced by excellent food, red wine and surrounded by quiet, polite conversations.

“Scott, I feel you should reconsider your decision on not participating in tomorrow’s event.”

“Kinsey, I thought this conversation was closed.”

“Scott, I don’t remember agreeing the conversation was closed.”

“Kinsey, I don’t remember asking you to agree.”

“Scott, I don’t think you are taking my recommendation seriously.”

“Kinsey, I don’t think you are taking my recommendation of ending this discussion seriously.”

“Scott, please lower your voice. I believe we are drawing attention.”

“Kinsey, it’s not my voice that’s going to be soon drawing attention.”

“Scott, if you would only agree you will consider participating tomorrow we could move pass these idle threats of yours and actually enjoy this extraordinary meal and beautiful surroundings in a relaxed fashion.”

Like a good soldier I held my ground, Murdoch. I am confident Kinsey is finally learning “no means no”.

I will write again when we reach Washington. I hope all is well with you.



Approaching the front desk to request Murdoch’s letter be mailed, the clerk in turn handed Scott a small envelope. “Mr. Lancer? This was left here for you.”

Puzzled, Scott opened to read the note inside.

Lieutenant Lancer,

Your presence is requested to participate the grand parade honoring President Grant.

P. Sheridan

Grand Marshall

Scott had been outmaneuvered.


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