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The Melbourne Cup

Writer: ljellis57ljellis57

Updated: Apr 14, 2023

February 1870 - The day of the race Scott vowed to get even with Kinsey for being duped into that front-page photograph from the day before. As they strolled around the pre-race lawn party, Scott indicated to Kinsey her hat might be slightly askew. Kinsey adjusted her hat to the right. Scott scowled and shook his head. She then adjusted the hat to the left. Again, she received a scowl. To the right, scowl, to the left, scowl, until Kinsey finally took the hat in both her hands, tossed it to the ground and stomped on it.

Oh, this was going to be too easy.

Scott retrieved the hat, placed it backwards on her head and declared it “perfect”.

After brunch, Scott signaled to Kinsey she had a bit of food stuck in the corner of her mouth. Quickly a lace handkerchief appeared to wipe it away. He then pointed to the other side of her face and again a quick wipe of the handkerchief. Scott was able to move the imaginary piece of food all over Kinsey’s face. He swore the young lady went cross-eyed when he pointed to her nose. Scott suddenly regretted never having a gullible kid sister to tease.

He kept up the shenanigans until Kinsey almost fell into a fountain as she looked the other way to spot a non-existent photographer. They had excellent seats for the Melbourne Cup of 1870 and the audience was treated to an exhilarating finish. Garrett’s Gallop won by inches. Unfortunately, Kinsey missed the exciting moment. A photographer had yelled, “Look this way”.


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