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The Dance - Seven O'Clock

Writer: ljellis57ljellis57

Updated: May 15, 2023

Madeline McGuire’s timing not only made her an excellent dance partner but her availability at the moment was perfect. Being out on the dance floor gave Scott the upper hand in case a strategic move was necessary. This move came sooner than expected when he spotted his little cousin back in the arms of Jenkins.

“Madeline, have you met Doc Jenkins’ son, William?”

“Isn’t he the new editor of the paper? Why, no.”

“We were classmates at Harvard. Interesting gentleman. Inquisitive. He mentioned your name. I think you would find him charming. Let me introduce you.”

And similar to the waltz’s one-two-three count currently being played, the tactical maneuvers began.


Gliding his dance partner beside his intended target, Scott tapped Green River’s editor on the shoulder prompting him to turn slightly. “William, may I present Madeline McGuire, one of the town’s finest young ladies.”

Jenkins couldn’t help himself. He let go of Kinsey long enough to tip his hat and bless the McGuire twin with his dazzling smile. Seizing the opportunity, Scott stepped in and, holding on to his cousin, picked up the waltz where Doc’s son left off. Madeline, not missing a beat, replaced Kinsey with ease.

“So William, Scott tells me you’re quite the inquisitive gentlemen. What would you like to know about me?”

“Scott! What do you think you’re doing?”

“Kinsey, I need to talk to you regarding Jenkins.”

“William thinks my accent is endearing.”

“Oh, I’m sure he does.”

“Do you know my name means ‘royal victory’ and any knight at the round table would consider it a victory to win my heart? William said that.”

“Oh, I bet he did.”


Scott felt a tap on his shoulder.

“Boston, I found someone who is pining away to be holding your hand.”

It was Johnny’s turn to side step in and gather up Kinsey leaving Scott with….

“Madeline. Back so soon?”

“I’m Maura!”

“Maura! Yes, of course, I apologize.” Scott glanced down at the girl’s locket and it’s general surroundings. “You and your sister are identical in so many ways. Actually, a couple features are coming to mind right now.”

Maura let out a giggle. “Scott Lancer, you’re worse than your brother. I adore you. Dance with me!”

After a few trips around the dance floor, Scott spied Jenkins had once again claimed Kinsey as his partner.

“Maura, have you met Doc Jenkins’ son, William?”

“Isn’t he the new editor of the paper?”

“We were classmates at Harvard. Interesting gentleman. Inquisitive. I think you would find him charming. He mentioned your name. Let me introduce you to him.”


Tapping Jenkins on the left shoulder, Scott doubled back to the right leaving William face to face with…


“I’m Maura! So you mentioned my name? Whatever would you like to know? Ask away!”

Dumbfounded, William quickly glanced around and spotted Scott waltzing away with his previous dance partner.


“They’re twins, Jenkins. Think of the possibilities!”

“Scott! Are you suggesting to Will that he and the McGuire twins…”

“Will? You’re calling him Will now?”

“Yes. Will wants to take me to Saint Louis and travel on a riverboat to New Orleans. How romantic!”

“What? No. Absolutely not.”

“I don’t need your permission.”

“Oh, yes you do!”


“Scott.” Johnny was again tapping his older brother on the shoulder.

“Here!” Taking Kinsey by her shoulders, Scott presented his cousin as a gift to his younger brother. “Keep a hold of her before she ends up in Saint Louis.”

“I’m tryin’. That pretty boy keeps getting in the way. If he wasn’t Doc’s son…”

“Why Scott, did you miss me?”

“Oh you know I did…”, Scott paused to glance at the girls’ locket, “…Madeline.”

Listening to his dance partner prattle on, Scott decided one feature that hadn’t changed with the McGuire twins was their ability to talk a man’s ear off.

Out of the corner of his eye, Scott spotted William Jenkins had succeeded in reclaiming his prize.


“That’s what he said.” Scott looked down at Madeline and rolled his eyes.


Scott skipped the customary tap on the shoulder and went for the arm around the waist switch.

“Lancer, this has become a rather bad habit of yours - stealing my dance partner.” Scott noticed some of William Jenkins charm was deteriorating.

“Mr. Jenkins! I must say you men have made this waltz most unusual!”

“I couldn’t agree more…” Will’s eyes shifted to the locket, “…Madeline?”

“Scott! You are being a bloody…”

“Arse. I’m aware Kinsey. In fact, you and I are going to have a lengthy discussion about that very subject when we get home.”

“I’m not ready to leave.”

“Oh yes you are, young lady. You just don’t know it yet.”



Scott turned to see in his younger brother eyes that Johnny had reached his limit of being patient, which was always a bad sign. The situation was not enhanced by Maura McGuire’s suggestion of how hot it was and wouldn’t a dip in the lake be an excellent remedy.

“Johnny, Kinsey needs some fresh air.”

Without hesitation, Johnny took Scott's cousin by the hand. “Come with me, half-pint. I hear there's a full moon tonight. Let’s see if we can spot the man that lives there.”

Scott turned back to find Maura McGuire standing in front of him.

“Well, Scott Lancer, it appears it’s just you and me.”

“Not exactly.” Madeline McGuire stood beside her sister, smiling. “Did someone mention the full moon and a refreshing splash in the lake?”

“Ladies…” Scott’s devilish grin was quickly replaced with a look of concern as he spotted William Jenkins following Johnny and Kinsey out the door. “Hold that thought. I‘ll be right back.”


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