The two young men carefully studied the handbill the older one was holding.
Green River’s
2nd Annual
Sharpshooters Jamboree
Grand Prize
Winchester lever action repeating rifle
Saturday - September 21
Women and children welcomed
The younger one grinned. “That rifle is going to look mighty fine up on the wall.”
“Agreed, little brother. And you are welcomed to my room anytime to admire it.”
The previous year both boys had been finalists in the competition but were outdone in the last round by the fair-haired Howard “Howie” Aspinwall. Later, enjoying his sharpshooting notoriety, Howie’s keen eye turned to the lovely Isabella O’Leary. Soon after a late night discovery in the O’Leary’s hayloft by Isabella’s father, Howie found himself in front of Green River’s Justice of Peace with the lovely Isabella by his side. As the townspeople wished the newlyweds a fond farewell to their new life in San Francisco, the Lancer brothers at the saloon next door were toasting Howie’s departure to their own good fortune. The second annual Sharpshooters Jamboree suddenly looked promising indeed.
“I believe there’s some confusion, Boston. I was referrin’ to my wall.”
“No confusion. It will be in my room; hanging directly above the shelf displaying my Philips Academy for Boys Spelling Bee Third Place trophy.”
“Third place you say.”
“I hate to brag.”
Since her arrival, Kinsey was under the impression that no matter where she was on the ranch yelling Scott’s name would bring him magically into her sight. Murdoch found the habit rather annoying, however, the brothers, at times, appreciated the forewarning of the invasion. This was one of those times. Scott’s eyes signaled to his sibling it would be in their best interest if the paper in front of them quietly disappeared. Johnny took the announcement, folded it, and tucked it inside his shirt.
“By the stables!”
Rounding the corner breathless, it was obvious Kinsey had…
“Such extraordinary news! Listen to this!” Producing a piece of paper the communique was shared.
“Green River’s Second Annual Sharpshooters Jamboree Grand Prize Winchester lever action repeating rifle Saturday, September 21 women and children welcomed.” Before she ran out of the breath Kinsey was able to squeak out one last word. “Extraordinary.”
Scott cautiously removed the paper from his cousin’s hand while clearing his throat. “I have to agree, Freckles. This is quite extraordinary.”
“Where do I sign up?”
Johnny opened his mouth to answer but Scott held up his hand. “Well now, Kinsey this contest is only for a certain category of competitors to participate.”
“What does that mean?”
The younger brother insisted on solving the mystery. “What it means darlin’ is ‘men only’. And the last time I had myself a good look, you are definitely not a man.”
Retrieving the handbill from her cousin, Kinsey pointed to the last line. “But it says women and children are welcomed!”
Scott rolled his eyes. “Honey, women and children are welcomed to watch, not to participate.”
“Oh I dunno, big brother. I hear the Parson’s five-year-old handles a firearm quite impressively.”
Two out of the three conversationalists enjoyed Johnny’s humor.
“Can either of you clever gentlemen tell me who is in charge of this contest?”
Scott thought for a moment. “I guess the members of the Green River town council run it.”
“And can you tell me who is the head of the Green River town council?”
“Well, half-pint, I’m thinkin’ that would be the mayor of Green River.”
“And could you please provide me the name of Green River’s mayor?”
A slight smile crossed the brothers’ faces as their eyes met.
“Johnny, wasn’t there a recent election in Green River for the town’s mayor?”
“Why I believe you are correct, big brother.”
“Do you recall the fine gentlemen’s name?”
“I do. Jenkins. Sound familiar?”
“Why I believe it does, little brother. Newspaper editor. Isn't he the gentleman who left the summer dance limping? And not due to too many steps to the two-step?”
Kinsey’s frown soon displayed a scowl. “Will? Jenkins? Mayor? Well, isn't this an excellent example why women should have the right to vote because only the ignorance of the male species would be capable of electing to public office a narrow-minded buffoon such as the likes of William Jenkins.”
As Kinsey’s tirade gathered steam, Johnny shared his thoughts with his brother. “If she says ‘double standard’ her you-know-what gets nailed to you-know-where.”
“...Once again, this double standard…”
“Scott, I'm getting the hammer.”
“Men only. Unacceptable. I'm riding into town and having a word or two with the fine mayor of Green River.”
Suddenly, Scott found the current situation no longer humorous. “Oh no, you don't. Kinsey Rose, I let you have your own way more often than I should but not this time. You are not to be going into town to find Will Jenkins.”
“Is that a fact?”
“Yes, young lady, that is indeed a fact.”
“Just how do you plan to stop me?”
Standing in the upstairs hallway, Scott crossed his arms and leaned against the wall listening to the sound of a foot meeting solid wood from his cousin’s bedroom.
“Scott! Unlock this door!”
“Let me out!”
“Not until you promise to behave.”
“Unlock the door!”
“I am never going to forgive you.”
“I can live with that.”
“You’re insufferable !”
“You kick that door one more time you're going to find out how insufferable I can be."
The sudden silence actually surprised Scott. “Very good. I'm unlatching the door and not one more word regarding Will Jenkins.”
The expression on his little cousin’s face as she emerged from her room plainly conveyed that Will Jenkins and every other topic of conversation had come to a halt. As the day progressed Kinsey’s cold shoulder not only was directed to Scott but slowly encompassed Johnny, Jelly, and Murdoch. By the second day, as word got out of the unjust Green River’s Sharpshooters Jamboree, Teresa had acquired the cold shoulder attitude along with Maria. It was on the third day the father felt it was time to offer advice to his oldest.
“Scott, it has become impossible to request the potatoes be passed at the supper table in a timely fashion. This situation needs to be resolved. Have you considered letting William Jenkins explain to Kinsey why she won't be participating in the contest? Let him be the evil suppressor of women's rights so the rest of us can live in peace and harmony.”
Scott raised an eyebrow. Of course. Why hadn’t he thought of such a simple solution? He should have escorted Kinsey to Will’s doorstep the very first day. The patriarch with his admiring sons gathered in the study to toast the older man’s infinite wisdom. Tomorrow life on the ranch would return to normal.
Someone, please pass the potatoes.