Puzzled, Scott looked down at the leather portfolio Kinsey had placed in his hand.
“Is there something you want to tell me before I open this?”
“I would like to reiterate this is none of your business.”
“Kinsey, am I going to be upset after this is opened?”
“The circumstances you choose to get upset over remains a mystery to me.”
“Remind me to add ‘sass’ to Rule Number Two regarding your inappropriate language.”
Scott untied the leather string and watched the contents of the portfolio flutter to the ground between them. Among the pieces of paper and half chewed pencils, a familiar face was staring up at him. Scott was looking at a drawing of himself.
Slowly, he turned over other scraps of paper Kinsey had gathered in their travels. Scott discovered Murdoch, Johnny, Grant, and the opera singer. Sawyer and Dewdrop were also subjects for Kinsey’s talent. No wonder he noticed that expression of taking pictures with her mind.
“I hope you are satisfied!”
“Kinsey, why are you hiding this gift you have?”
“This is just stupid and a terrible waste of my time.”
As Kinsey began to hurriedly gather up the drawings to stuff them back into the portfolio, Scott reached out and took hold of her wrists.
“Whoa. Stop. Who told you it was stupid and a waste of your time?”
Scott didn’t ask again; he had a feeling he knew. Letting go, he watched his cousin resume picking up her drawings. She makes this so hard. Here is a God-given talent she had been hiding for all the wrong reasons and it‘s heart-breaking. Yet, at the same time, she disregards a rule established to keep her out of harm’s way and she’ll be answering to that poor decision.
“Let’s go, Kinsey. I want you to show your drawings to Murdoch.”
“Are you telling him where you found me?”
“No. You are.”
Scott watched Murdoch look over the sketches laid out on his desk.
“If I understand this correctly, you rode out beyond your boundaries.”
“Well, if I had known…”
Scott cleared his throat.
“Yes, sir. I shouldn’t have been there.”
Smiling, Murdoch held up his portrait. “May I keep this one?”
Kinsey nodded.
Carefully placing the rest of the drawings in a pile, Murdoch continued, “Kinsey you have a wonderful talent that all should enjoy. Scott, in a few days why don’t you both travel to San Francisco to purchase some supplies a real artist should be using. I understand there is an art institute that recently opened you could visit.”
Scott was speechless. His cousin had been defiantly disobedient and here his father was rewarding her with a trip to San Francisco.
“Oh and Scott, please take Kinsey’s mare to the south pasture so she can feed on some good clover and get plenty of exercise for the next month.”
It took a moment but Scott began to smile. Here’s the Murdoch we all know and love.
It took Kinsey a few seconds longer to register what was just said. “Wait. What?”
“Young lady, you knowing rode where you had no right to be. I hope you enjoyed it. I’m suspending your riding privileges for one month.”
Kinsey’s “Tea Party Tantrum” hit so suddenly it even took Scott by surprise.
“NO! You can’t do that! How dare you?”
Murdoch’s head snapped up.
“It’s not right! It’s not fair! I won’t have it!.” Before Scott could intervene, Kinsey sealed her fate by stamping her foot.
Murdoch’s six foot five inch frame rose and with three strides quickly closed the gap between himself and Scott’s cousin. Grabbing Kinsey by the waist, Scott watched his father tuck her under his arm to carry her back to his chair as if she was a small calf. Effortlessly, Murdoch sat down and placed Kinsey firmly across his knee.
“Scott, will you excuse us? Kinsey and I are going to take a few minutes to revisit her rules.”
“Yes, sir, of course.”
“Oh and Scott? Will you please let Maria know Kinsey will not be joining us for supper tonight?”
“Yes, sir.”
Murdoch then delivered two stinging swats that Scott swore rose dust from the seat of Kinsey’s britches.
“Rule Number One! You do not ride beyond your designated boundaries.”
While Kinsey wailed, Murdoch administered two more swats.
“Rule Number Two! You will not use inappropriate language.”
“Sir, could we also add ‘sassing” to that rule?”
Scott made his way to find Maria and then to the stable. It was going to take time to get to Rule Number Ten.
Earlier this evening I spotted Johnny making a sandwich in the kitchen, which, I hear now, is making its way to Kinsey’s room. If someone could offer his sympathies regarding Murdoch’s wrath it certainly would be my younger brother. At the end of the week, Kinsey and I will take the trip to San Francisco. What I have to say to her can wait until then.
~ S.