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Salt Lake City, Utah

Writer: ljellis57ljellis57

Updated: May 13, 2023


We have arrived at our first layover - Salt Lake City, Utah. Much like spending time at sea, the rocking motion of riding a train can momentarily affect the ability to walk normally. We were able to rent rooms at the Grand Utah Hotel even though we raised a few eyebrows when entering the lobby. Kinsey is our official tour guide and it appears she has every minute planned regarding where to go and what to see. At the top of her list is swimming in the Great Salt Lake.

The two brothers stood in their familiar stances, Scott - hands on hips - furrowed brow and Johnny - head cocked - arms crossed, both boys staring at what was in front of them.

“They’re bathing suits.”

Smiling, Kinsey held out in each hand what looked like union suits usually reserved for colder evenings and indiscrete viewing.

“Scott, I bought this one for you. Do you like it? It’s blue!”

Scott accepted the garment from Kinsey but held it out at arm’s length for further examination. A puzzled look dominated his face.

“And Johnny this striped one is yours!”

Johnny’s approach was to not look at the bathing suit placed in his hand but to stare at Kinsey as if she was speaking a foreign language.

“I’ve arranged transportation out to the lake. We leave in one hour. How exciting!”

As the door shut behind her silence filled the room.

“Boston, I refuse to put on these striped long johns to float around in a puddle filled with salt.”

“I believe we promised to do this.”


“The first night on the train after the second bottle of champagne.”

“Who ordered the second bottle of champagne?”

“I did.”

“Who drank it?”

“You did.”

Once arriving at the Lake Point Resort the brothers were relieved to see others were wearing the “sawed off long johns” - Johnny’s description - and floating around like “a fishin’ bobber” - Scott’s description - which wasn’t half bad. In fact it was rather relaxing.

Kinsey’s inner child surfaced, not that it was buried that deep, inspired frequent splashing and dunking,

Johnny was first to vocalize his observation. “Brother, I do believe the ladies outnumber the gents at this swimmin’ hole.”

“Five to one.”

Johnny raised an eyebrow. “You have that figured out?”

“I’m very good with numbers.”

“Any of those fair ladies that swam by you mermaids?”

It was Scott’s turn to flash his brother a sly grin. “A few.”

Kinsey could be heard giggling.

“Scott, I think we might have a few sharks circling around our little tadpole over there.”

“I have an eye on her Johnny.”

Scott looked at the lengthening shadows and determined it was time to head back to the hotel so they would have time to get cleaned up before the evening meal.

“Kinsey! Time to go!”

Kinsey, who was deep in conversation with several “sharks” glanced at Scott but did not acknowledge she had heard him.


Again, a glance from his cousin but no acknowledgement.

Teaching a lesson was on order.

Scott waded out to where Kinsey was holding court. “Excuse me gentlemen… my baby sister has trouble listening. It’s her naptime. Kinsey, what did we talk about yesterday? Do you need to sit in the corner to think….again?” Scott grabbed her hand and pulled her towards shore.

“I was talking to those gentlemen!”

“And now you’re not.”

“How could you embarrass me like that?! How could you do that?”

“Quite easily. And if you want to continue this conversation I can find a way to embarrass you even more.”

Kinsey remains a bit of a challenge. I believe your suggestion for us to accompany her was a wise one. We will be boarding the train tomorrow morning and will write again from Denver.

Our thoughts are with you, Teresa, and Jelly.


Your son Scott

Johnny was the first to find Scott sitting at a table in the lobby. “Writing to the old man?”

“Just finishing up.”

“You didn’t mention that ridiculous outfit I had to wear today did you?”

“Not at all.”

Johnny grabbed the letter out of Scott’s hand and began to scan the words.

Scott pointed. “Second paragraph. Third line.”

Johnny grinned. “I did look like one of those striped bass we were catchin’ at the lake last summer.”

“Well at least you didn’t look like a blue marlin.”

As Scott folded the letter and placed it in the envelope addressed to Murdoch, Kinsey appeared. “I’m famished! Spending a day in the sun and water brings out my appetite.”

Scott pointed his finger at her nose. “It also brings out a fresh crop of freckles.”


“Calm down. You wear them just fine. Here. I picked up a couple of postcards for you to send to your grandfather. Write a few lines and I will mail them with Murdoch’s letter. I’m going to check on our dinner reservations.”

Johnny watched Kinsey look at the postcards but not move to take them. The younger brother took his finger and slid them across the table.

“Better put these in your evening bag, half pint. You wouldn’t want to forget to fill them out.”


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