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Writer: ljellis57ljellis57

Updated: May 15, 2023

Scott closed the book on his lap and examined its gold-embossed red leather cover. No signs of wear and tear - a clue it had sat on the top shelf for the last few years, untouched, marking time. Setting the book aside, Scott scrutinized the front and back of the envelope in his hand. ‘That letter won’t be jumpin’ out at ye on its own, ScottyGarrett.’ “I know, Winnie. Give me a minute.” Scott rose to begin a search - starting with the drawers of his grandfather’s desk. A silver letter opener ended his quest. He carefully inserted the opener’s point under the envelope flap and slid it across the top. As he meticulously returned the paper knife to its proper place, Scott admitted his actions to an empty room. “I’m stalling.”

Using the study’s window for better light, he removed the enclosed piece of paper and began to read.

My dear young man,

You and Alice are reunited.

Now you’ve found my letter, one of two things will occur. If I’m still present on God’s earth, you’ll be coming to the kitchen expecting an explanation which I’ll give after the Jameson is poured. However, if the good Lord has called my name, this letter will be our conversation.

When you returned to us from the war, it was a blessing denied many families. Yes, you’re present in the flesh but your mind is terribly haunted. I see it in your eyes and hear it in your voice. You’ve fallen down a rabbit hole, Scotty Garrett, and we’re trying so hard to find ways to reach you. I placed Alice in the study for you to discover. I prayed your curiosity would prevail and you wouldn’t toss it aside as a silly child’s book, for it’s not. The story’s riddles and metaphors spoke to me as I knew they would speak to you. Sometimes the climb out of a dark hole is difficult, my lad, but not impossible depending on one’s perspective. It’s been two days since you’ve read the book and have questioned no one where it came from. That’s fine. I’ll be patient. Everything happens for a reason and there is a reason our conversation will be one in the future. In the meantime, my written words and the book will wait on the shelf for you. May Mr. Carroll’s eccentric wisdom stay with you long after my guidance has faded. Winnie

Scott stared out the window, trying to remember details of those weeks after he’d read the Carroll novel. The nightmares eventually grew less. He fell back into his lifestyle before enlisting. The parties. The ladies. The expectations. But he never questioned the book. It was there one day and then...gone. Scott reread Winnie’s words. Damn it! Why didn’t she say something? He answered his own question. “She was giving me time.” She wrote the note and, with the book, placed it on the top shelf - forgotten. A few years later, Pinkerton’s man approached him and... I need to go to California, Winnie. I need to confront the man who is my father. I’ll be back soon. Carefully folding the paper, Scott slipped Winnie’s conversation back in its envelope and placed it among the pages of the Lewis Carroll novel. The book would not be returning to the shelf of his grandfather’s bookcase. Instead, Alice would find a new home out west. Someday his children would carry on the Garrett lineage but they would also know of Winifred MacLoughlin and her legacy she gifted their father. Scott bounded up the stairs and past his grandfather’s bedroom. The sound of heavy breathing filtering from under the door reminded Scott of a hibernating bear. Murdoch would insist it mimicked the hissing of a rattlesnake. Both predators could be dangerous if crossed.

A much-needed smile spread across Scott’s face as he opened the door to his room to spy Emerson had traveled from his bed to the desk. Opening its front cover revealed two telegrams. Ah, Adventures in San Francisco - Alice had competition. This time, it was Johnny’s correspondence he chose first. FILLY JUMPED FENCE LASSOED CORRALLED BRANDED NO TO EXTENDING VISIT TEQUILA NEEDED J

A popular Kinsey quote helped to express his immediate reaction. “Bloody hell?” Hoping for more clarification from the second telegram, Scott ripped it open. MOTHER HEN ESCORT UNREASONABLE STIFLING ONCE IN LIFE EXPERIENCE NEED TIME NOT LEAVING K

Well, that didn’t take long. His brother had gone from “handsome escort” to “unreasonable mother hen” in a day. His cousin, in the meantime, was no longer a “happy filly” but now driving Johnny to drink. Rubbing the back of his neck assisted in the deciphering process.

Kinsey wanted to stay in San Francisco an extra day - no doubt to do shopping. Seeing himself as the carrier of the packages, his younger brother tried to set his foot down. Good luck.

Scott scowled at the line filly jumped fence. It sounded as if his cousin took off on her own again, leaving Johnny madly searching for her. Time to brush off the Stick Like Glue lecture. Deciding Mr. Carroll would be an excellent place to store the telegrams, Scott randomly opened to a page where a passage caught his eye.

If you drink much from a bottle marked ‘poison,’ it is almost certain to disagree with you, sooner or later.

Well, considering the term poison, his grandfather could certainly provide an ample supply - but it wasn’t only Harlan’s Hypocrisy. Add to the list Johnny’s Disposition, Kinsey’s Compulsions, Murdoch’s Indifference, Jelly’s - Scott paused to reflect. Where to start?

‘Time to be readin’ the label before ye start drinkin’ from the bottle, ScottyGarrett.’

“I plan to do just that, Winnie. Starting with my grandfather.”


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