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Remembering George

Writer: ljellis57ljellis57

Updated: May 13, 2023

“Have you met President Grant?”

Scott looked up from his novel. He had hoped to interest Kinsey in reading the copy of “Little Women” that he was able to purchase in Denver to occupy their time on the train.

“Told you to buy that Twain fella’s book” Johnny pointed at the discarded book by Kinsey’s side.

“No honey, I have not met President Grant.”

“But weren’t you in the army?”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean I personally met Grant. The war was not like one of your social luncheons held at Melbourne’s Government House."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Scott regretted saying them. The hurt look on Kinsey’s face was heart wrenching.

“Kinsey, I didn’t mean to sound...I’m sorry.”

“No apology necessary Scott. I think I’ll go have a...lemonade.”

Kinsey rose and made her way to the dining car.

Now it was Scott’s turn to say it. “Damn.”

Scott spotted Kinsey sitting at a small table at the end of the car. He looked at his pocket watch - perhaps it was a little early , however...

Finding the gentleman behind the small counter housing the beverages, Scott spoke, smiled, signaled to where she was seated, and retrieved two champagne glasses. Pulling up a chair, the older cousin placed the glasses on the table and sat down. The waiter arrived with a bottle in an ice bucket and after displaying the label, popped the cork. Scott signaled he would pour and with a nod the waiter disappeared. Kinsey watched with interest.

“You pour a fine glass of champagne, Mr. Lancer.”

“I’ve had my share of practice, Miss Furlong.”

“And the occasion?”

“Two cousins continuing their journey of sharing past memories.”

Kinsey smiled. “Like I said…this isn’t necessary.”

“Yes it is. Getting the cork back in the bottle can be difficult.” If his cousin only knew the champagne is more for him right now than her.

“Freckles, you can ask me anything you want about my time with the Union Army.”

Kinsey reflected on Scott’s statement for a few moments.

“What were you in the army?

“I was a lieutenant in the cavalry under the leadership of General Philip Sheridan.”

“That’s why your horsemanship is so outstanding.”

“I wouldn’t say outstanding. Let’s say I don’t fall off too often.”

“That’s why you knew Garrett’s Gallop is of fine breeding.”

“Yes. Garrett’s Gallop is a wonderful horse.”

The cousins sipped their champagne.

“When did you enlist?”

“As soon as we were old enough…George and I.”


Scott pondered a moment on that question. The time seemed like an eternity ago and the reasons for joining seemed blurred and faded.

“I think there were several reasons. At the top of the list we felt it was the right thing to do. There was also my pride for the North, the restlessness of no direction in my life, knowing it would upset my grandfather and of course, thinking I would look dashing in the uniform.”

“I’m certain you did!”

“Oh yes. Grandfather, once he realized having a war hero in the family could be a business asset, threw George and I quite the going away celebration. The ladies were very impressed with our uniforms. Two good friends off to fight for the North; we were on top of the world.”

More champagne was sipped.

“You want to ask me what it was like…fighting in the war.”


“Kinsey, it was horrible and my time spent in the prison camp was a million times worse. There was bloodshed, disease and many thousands of decent men on both sides lost their lives. There are things I would like to forget but probably never will. And there is no reason on earth that you need to continue to listen and try to visualize what I saw. I don’t want to do that to you. Everyday I consider myself blessed to be here and have come to terms to not feel guilty about it”


“And George?”

“George was killed while I was in the prison camp. I didn’t find this out until I arrived back in Boston. I plan to visit him in Arlington when we are in Washington. I would very much like you to join me.”

Kinsey simply nodded and reached out to hug her cousin.

“I adore you. Scott.”

Kissing her on the top of the head Scott smiled. “I think the world of you too, young lady. Now, here’s what we should do. Go find Johnny and bring him here to help us finish this bottle.

As Scott waited for his brother and cousin to return he just realized he had done something he did not tolerate in others.

He had lied.

He did consider himself blessed to be here. Coming to terms to not feel guilty about it was going to take a bit longer.


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