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Over-Zealous Protector of the Universe

Writer: ljellis57ljellis57

Updated: May 15, 2023

San Joaquin Valley, California

I’ve been branded a traitor. According to my younger brother, this is the verdict Judge Kinsey has handed down. She did admit to Johnny that Murdoch’s punishment was warranted, however, I made no effort to rescue her from her fate, in fact, I had the nerve to add to it. Personally, I don’t think an extra swat generated additional influence on “the end result”.

Kinsey is a master at the fine art of the cold shoulder. Her icy stares and curt answers have made the days before our San Francisco trip feel like Boston during a Nor’easter. I suggested to Murdoch it might be best if Johnny accompanied Kinsey but he insisted I should go. Overcoming a woman’s scorn, he felt, was a challenge and I should view the trip as a learning experience that could benefit me later in life.

~ S.

The first half of the trip showed little progress with thawing out the relationship between the two cousins. Scott’s attempts at conversation were met with one-word answers or total silence.

His quiet travel companion rose. “I’m tired of sitting.”

“Should be thankful you can sit again.”

Scott sensed his humor was not well received as he watched Kinsey walk up the aisle and into the next car.

“Little sister?”

Scott looked up and realized the question had come from the older woman seated across the aisle.

“Excuse me?”

“Is she your sister?”

“She’s my little cousin.”

The woman smiled. “She’s not very happy with you right now.”

“Ma’am, that’s an understatement.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be prying.”

“No, please. It’s a relief to have an actual conversation. This trip was getting very long.”

“What did you do to justify those daggers she’s been throwing at you?”

Scott rolled his eyes. “I usually bail her out of trouble. This last time I let her sink or swim. Needless to say, she sunk.”

Kinsey returned to her seat as the new acquaintances were sharing a laugh. Scott, making eye contact with the older woman, winked. His signal was received and noted with the woman’s smiling nod.

“As I was saying, according to my cousin, I am an Over-Zealous Protector of the Universe. I’m rather proud of that, actually.”

Kinsey slowly turned to, first, stare at Scott before clearing up his misconception. “I was wrong. My older cousin is not an Over-Zealous Protector of the Universe.”

“I beg to differ.” Scott continued his discussion with the passenger across the aisle. “My little cousin would have plummeted off a treacherous cliff if not for me. I have turned her from a life of gambling - not to mention confirming the ostrich was safe to ride before permitting her to do so.”

The older woman raised her eyebrows. “You rode an ostrich?”

“I hate to brag.”

Now it was Kinsey’s turn to roll her eyes. “Scott, that’s enough.”

“My heroic gesture prevented her from tangling with a streetcar and let’s not forget my gallant rescue effort when she was stuck in mud up to her butt.”

“Scott! Really! Must you use such a crude term when describing my anatomy to a perfect stranger?”

“Forgive me. Kinsey was stuck in mud up to her derriere.”

Biting her lower lip could not prevent the smile that Scott was relieved to see appear on his cousin’s face. ”Ma’am, I’ve taken up too much of your time.”

“No apologies necessary.” Holding papers in her hand she confessed. “And now this manuscript needs my attention.”

Out of the corner of her eye, the older woman watched the blonde haired gentleman signal for his cousin to sit next to him. Putting his arm around her shoulder he leaned in to begin a quiet discussion that led to nods, smiles, and a gentle hug. Sometime later, when her eyes needed a rest from reading, the woman glanced over at the two traveling companions. With her head resting on his shoulder, the young lady had fallen asleep. The man’s blue eyes looked up acknowledging the observer by mouthing two words, “thank you”.

Disembarking in San Francisco, Scott instructed Kinsey to stay put with their luggage he would be right back. Searching the crowd he spotted her.


The woman turned around as Scott tipped his hat. “I never formally introduced myself. I’m Scott Lancer.”

The woman held out her hand for Scott to accept. “Louisa May Alcott. It’s been a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Lancer.”

“I want to thank you again for….”. Scott hesitated.

“Briefly being your partner in crime? I am the one who needs to express her appreciation. You and Kinsey have confirmed my thoughts on what my next subject matter should be.”


“Cousins, Mr. Lancer.”


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