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Meeting New People

Writer: ljellis57ljellis57

Updated: May 15, 2023

In the beginning, Johnny was a mystery, however, over time, Scott’s ability to interpret his brother’s facial expressions and body language grew increasingly easier. Unfortunately, the challenge of adjusting quickly to stay a step ahead of Johnny’s moods still remained. One glance at his younger brother and Scott knew first, the dance lesson was over, second, there was going to be a discussion, and third, he needed to get Kinsey out of the room.

Walking over to the music box, Scott pushed the lever and the music stopped. “That’s enough dancing for today, Freckles. Why don’t you see if Maria needs help with snapping those green beans? Johnny and I are about to have a conversation.”

“Maybe half-pint would like to take part in this conversation we are about have.”

Johnny’s voice was laced with sarcasm as he held his position in the doorway.

Squeezing her shoulder, Scott smiled. “Kinsey, go to the kitchen. If you promise Maria the only things you will touch are the beans, I’m sure she'll let you stay.” Scott winked and prayed his cousin understood she would not be included in the upcoming talk.

Kinsey returned the smile. “Just the beans.” As she approached the doorway to leave, Johnny had not given up his stance. “Excuse me, John. I’m needed in the kitchen.”

“You needed in the kitchen, darlin’? Now, wouldn’t that be…extraordinary.”

“Don’t be an arse, Johnny.”

“Watch your mouth, kid.”

Relieved to see Kinsey slip out of the room, Scott began to move furniture and the impromptu dance floor slowly disappeared. “Speak your mind, brother.”

“I see you two dancin’, Boston. A fella gets…”

“Curious?” Scott knew it irked his younger brother when someone could predict what he was about to say or do. Johnny seethed when his older brother did it. “It was a dancing lesson, Johnny. Nothing more or have you forgotten she’s my cousin?”

“Second cousin.”

“Kinsey’s right. You are an arse.“

Johnny was the first to break the silence that fell between the two brothers. “I apologize.” But, like a dog with a bone, he wasn’t ready to let it go. “This lesson have anything to do with the town hall dance next week?”

Scott wasn’t convinced Johnny’s apology was sincere. Throwing fuel on to the fire was no doubt a poor decision but one at this moment gave him great pleasure. “Teresa thought Kinsey should go. She thinks my cousin needs to meet more people.”

“Teresa needs to mind her own damn business. Kinsey knows plenty of people. Hell, Scott, you know what she’s up to. How many times has she tried pawning one of her girlfriends off on us? Who does she have in mind for Kinsey?”

“William Jenkins.”

“Doc’s son? Is she kidding? He’s too old for half-pint.”

“He’s my age, Johnny. I wish someone would explain to me how I suddenly got ‘old’.”

“Jenkins has a new girl on his arm every week.”

“I didn’t know Doc was that popular.”

“Now who’s being the arse, Scott?”

“Johnny, Kinsey is going to the dance, she’s going to meet people, and she is going to enjoy herself. I suggest you start getting your mind straight with that. Little brother, this conversation is over. Consider yourself lucky you aren’t tending to a split lip.”

Scott headed to the kitchen to see if Maria was still talking to him leaving Johnny to speak to the paintings on the wall.

"Teresa needs to mind her own damn business."


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