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Legal English

Writer: ljellis57ljellis57

Glancing to his left from time to time, Scott watched his cousin ride the buckskin colored horse with jet black mane he’d bought for her over a month and a half ago. Murdoch had raised an eyebrow and questioned if the little lass could handle the spirited animal. His father considered the docile chestnut mare he’d given Kinsey soon after her arrival a better match. However, Murdoch was not aware on that horse the little lass was fence jumping when not racing across fields and that was not a good match. Fortunately, Cipriano spotted her riding escapades one day and reported to Scott, “Señorita Kinsey, she is going to break her neck.” Scott could not have agreed more. After laying down the law with his cousin regarding her foolish stunts, he began his search which resulted in the purchase of Buck.

Johnny was reluctant to commend his brother on finding Kinsey the thoroughbred cross. His lack of enthusiasm didn't bother Scott too much. His little brother thought he should be consulted on selecting the horse, however, Scott knew what he wanted for Kinsey and preferred to handle the task on his own. He’d started his cousin’s equestrian lessons a few days ago and was pleased with her progress. Needing Sam Jenkins to set a broken bone was becoming less likely and the discipline of equestrian riding was good for Kinsey. Since the lessons were a result of the purchased horse, they became another sore subject with his brother. Now, as Scott shared an afternoon ride with his cousin, he knew the papers in his portfolio were going to be added to Johnny’s mental list of disagreeables.

Instead of choosing Murdoch’s study with its fine leather and first editions, Scott decided the shade of an old oak tree filtering afternoon sun would be a better setting to talk to Kinsey about her future. Besides, too many times family opinions can fly freely when it's not necessary...or requested. Outside of the hacienda, the two of them could have an uninterrupted conversation. Scott kept referring to “Kinsey’s future” but truth be told, those papers would be guiding his future too - at least for the next six years. He would be thirty...Kinsey twenty-five. Would either of them be…



Buck and Boots trotted along.

Scott realized his thoughts had wandered and now he was staring at his cousin staring back at him.

“Scott, you had a look.”

“What look?”

“It's your look when thinking deeply and then you say something...I don't know. I guess....profound. Yes, that’s it. You say something profound.”


Buck and Boots continued to trot along.

“Scott, I’m waiting.”

“For what?”

“For you to say something profound.”

“Oh.” Scott adjusted his hat and donned a serious look. “Maria will be serving her beef enchiladas for supper tonight.”

Buck and Boots joined him in patiently waiting for the inevitable response.


Scott, grinning, pointed towards a large tree in the distance. “How's this...I'll race you to that oak tree. The loser tells the winner something... profound.”

Kinsey leaned forward, squinting. “Which tree?”

“The oak tree. Off to the right. The one…” His description of the finish line was cut short as Kinsey and Buck took off like a shot. “Hey! I didn't say GO!” ‘Damn.’

He could see why Cipriano was so concerned. Having Buck at a full gallop, Kinsey was moving at a neck-breaking speed. ‘Sam may be paying us a visit in the near future after all.’ As Scott closed the gap between them, he found himself admiring the performance and beauty of the buckskin horse and how Kinsey handled him so well. He had made the right choice.

Kinsey hit the ground running once she brought Buck to a halt. Touching the tree trunk the announcement was made. “Winner!”

Scott, bringing Boots to a rest, crossed his hands on the saddle horn and sat back to deliver his profound statement. “Kinsey Rose Furlong is a cheater.”

“Well now, it appears Scott Garrett Lancer is a sore loser.”

“I am. Won't deny it.”

Dismounting, Scott tied up the two horses, grabbed the leather portfolio and then settled himself to lean against the tree trunk. Signaling to his cousin brought her to sit cross-legged beside him. As he removed the legal papers from the pouch, Scott laid them out in front of him. A slight breeze suggested he choose a few stones for paperweights. ‘I don't need several weeks of headaches to be blown across the north forty.’ Kinsey watched intently as the various papers and stones formed their own pattern in the dappled sunlight.

“This is the reason for our ride?”

“One of the reasons.”

Scott glanced over the papers and, selecting an earlier correspondence from Philadelphia, he handed it to Kinsey.

In earnest, his cousin attempted to quietly read and decipher the legal document. “This firm and, in particular, have recently received instructions to act on behalf of Miss Kinsey Rose Furlong in relation to the matters set out in the subject line above...consensus ad the aforementioned second party, Scott Garrett Lancer... Clause 6.4 applies, mutatis mutandis, to the executor in holding…” Kinsey glanced up, frowning.

Scott nodded. “I know. And just this once I'm ignoring Rule Two...go ahead...say it.”

“Who the bloody hell talks like this?”


“Bunch of bludgers with their malarkey language.”

“Legal English.”

“They need to extract their heads out of their…”

“All right. You’re done.”

Scott exchanged the paper in his cousin’s hand for the most recent document he’d received three days ago. “I think this one will make more sense.”

Kinsey’s exasperated expression was replaced with one of a more solemn nature as she read the words. When finished, she placed the paper on the ground in front of her and, following her cousin’s lead, used a stone paperweight so the breeze would not claim it. Giving her time to digest what she just read, Scott made no effort to engage in conversation. ‘She’ll talk when she’s ready.’

“Is this figure correct?” Kinsey pointed to the second paragraph.

Scott nodded. “Your grandfather's assets were more than we first thought.”

“Who knows this?”

Scott was caught a bit off guard by the question. “Well, there’s you and me…”


“Yes. He helped me with the paperwork. I wanted to confirm I understood it all.”



“What about Uncle Harlan?”

“According to the rules of attorney-client privilege, my grandfather should not be aware of the final figure. However, Harlan Garrett excels in maneuvering around obstacles in his way so chances are he knows.” Scott sighed as he tried to guess what was going on inside his cousin’s head. “Kinsey, I’ll do my very best to keep this information from becoming common knowledge but eventually, word will get out. There will always be situations we have no control over - like being named as the sole heir in the will of a man you hardly knew. Now, according to that paper, it's official and time to figure out the next steps. And what you want.”

“I want everything to remain normal.”

Scott raised an eyebrow. “Define normal. I'm curious to know what that is.”

Grinning, Kinsey fell backward to gaze up through the tree’s leaves. Scott was pleased to see her smile. “I'm happy...and relieved...this legal battle is over. I want people to still see see us...and not the money. I want to do what's right. I want to make the right decisions.”

“Freckles, I'll do everything in my power to help you make the right decisions.”

“Then I guess we should talk about Johnny.”

For the second time that day Kinsey caught Scott off guard. He had planned to discuss Johnny with his cousin but was uncertain how to bridge the subject. Kinsey had done it for him. With the papers gathered up and placed back in the pouch, Scott resumed his relaxed posture against the tree trunk.

“All right. Let's talk about Johnny.”


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