San Joaquin Valley, California
Maria observed the two young men currently sitting in her kitchen eating breakfast. Conversation from each had been limited to a mumbled acknowledgment of the other seated across the table. The expressions on their faces told the woman there had been words between the brothers.
“Dos niños obstinados e infantiles.”
Frowning, the older of the two gentlemen briefly glanced up from his eggs to observe the blue eyes of the younger man who had done the same.
“How’s your Spanish, Johnny?”
“Just fine. And yours, brother?”
“I’d like to think it’s above average.”
The clatter of pots and pans confirmed Maria’s breakfast companions had proven their point.
“I over-slept!”
The announcement was made by the pigtailed whirlwind dressed in overalls and an old hat smeared with whitewash that suddenly appeared causing Scott to choke on the last of his coffee.
“Maria I’m sorry I just need a biscuit I’m not really hungry I’m heading to the garden right now to weed and pick beans I can’t believe I missed the sunrise.”
Pouring a glass of milk, Maria stood in the path of Kinsey’s escape out the back door. “Drink!”
With a mixture of disbelief and admiration, the brothers watched the little cousin down her drink in a way that would make the boys at the saloon proud.
“Gracias, María.”
Wiping the milk mustache on her sleeve, the breakfast dust devil made one more proclamation before disappearing.
“I want to go riding this afternoon. Johnny take me.”
Donning a smug look, Scott slowly turned in his seat to face his little brother.
Crossing his arms, Johnny leaned back in his chair, eyes downcast yet sporting a slight smile.
“Go ahead, Scott. Say it.”
“Say what, Johnny?’
“The I-Told-You-So statement. I know you have one or two ready.”
“It’s more of a list. I’m trying to decide which one is the most appropriate for what we just witnessed.” Pondering for a moment, Scott made his selection. “Johnny, was that Kinsey who blew through here? You know, little brother, she’s changed so much I hardly recognized her.”
The teasing floated through the afternoon open window as Scott made his way to the Great Room.
“I hope you remember how to ride, half-pint. I don’t plan on picking you up out of the dirt all day.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve forgotten more than you’ll ever know.”
“Is that a fact. Kid, I think you’ve gotten too big for your britches and…don’t jump that fence! Kinsey! Damn.”
Scott kept walking.
As he sat at his desk, Murdoch’s peripheral vision spotted his oldest scanning the Great Room’s collection of books housed on the shelves.
“Have something in mind, my son.”
Murdoch smiled to himself. ‘The boy knows the exact location of Emerson.’ “Perhaps it’s not a book you’re seeking.”
Scott donned a sheepish grin and nodded. “Perhaps it’s not a book I’m seeking but instead a conversation.”
Murdoch watched as his blonde headed son flopped down in a chair with his long legs stretched out in front him. Deciding this may be a discussion best had in a more informal setting; Murdoch left his desk to join his son in the facing chair.
Observing Scott’s pensive mood as he stared at the floor, the father offered a suggestion. “A wise young man once told me the best place to start was at the beginning. Do you remember saying that?”
Smiling, Scott nodded. “I do. It’s when I first questioned you regarding Kinsey.”
“Take your time, son, and follow your own advice.”
Oh I so wanted to read that discussion!! Urg!! Once again this was well written though. Well done. Pretty please write a story ...I love the journals but I would really like to read a full blown story from you. It would be much appreicated. Hint. hint! LOL