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The Dance - Half Past Seven

Writer: ljellis57ljellis57

Updated: May 15, 2023

Once outside it was clear to Scott that Johnny, Kinsey and William had been swallowed up by the group gathered around the food tables. Scott did spot Teresa and her beau, Richard. That boy could certainly pack away the food. Good thing Teresa is a great cook “And thank God he’s not interested in Kinsey.”

Off to the left at a makeshift table and chairs, he discovered Murdoch and Sam Jenkins sharing what looked like a fine bottle of scotch. He offered a quick wave to his father but didn’t venture over to say hello in order to avoid a possible conversation that was currently playing in Scott's head.

“Son, where are you off to?”

“Trying to find Johnny and Will Jenkins before they beat each other senseless. How are you doing Sam?”

The crowd thinned as Scott walked towards the main street of town. Like the seasoned big brother he had become, his ears were tuned to hear Johnny or Kinsey, even at a distance.

It was his little cousin’s voice that first got his attention. It was her screams that demanded he run.

Angry male voices could now be heard as Scott entered the newspaper office's side alley, which offered the scene he expected. It appeared Johnny and Will Jenkins had already thrown a few punches. If it wasn’t for Kinsey’s screaming, Scott was certain the fists would still be flying. If it wasn’t for the dance’s “no firearms” agreement, Scott was also certain the situation would be grim.

“Half-pint! Get out of here!”

“I will not!”

“Scott! Get her out of here. Will and I have a few more things to discuss.”

“Discuss what Lancer? Discuss if it weren’t for my father, there would be a lot more hurtin’?”

“That’s right Will. Murdoch and your old man are good friends. I’m trying hard to honor that. I respect Sam. Can’t say the same about his son.”

Scott stood, assessed the situation, and made a decision. Firearms were stored under lock and key. It appeared Kinsey’s presence was keeping Johnny’s temper from boiling out of control. He knew where to find Murdoch, Sam and a good bottle of scotch, if necessary. The worse that could happen would be someone leaving here with a broken nose. And the look on Kinsey’s face told Scott one helluva thunderstorm was about to hit. Maybe it would do the Green River Gazette’s editor a world of good to experience one of those.

Will felt it was his turn to assert himself. “Kinsey, you best listen and do as you’re told. Be my little Aussie angel and get your cute behind out of her. I will be along shortly. I believe this discussion with the mighty Johnny Lancer won’t be much longer since he doesn’t have his gun to hide behind.”

Johnny moved slightly forward but stopped when he felt his brother’s hand on his arm and heard Scott whisper in his ear. “Hold up, brother. I want to see this. I think Will is about the be invited to one of Kinsey’s tea parties.”

“I’m not going! This is ridiculous! You hard-headed, ignorant, stubborn, sorry excuse for a mature male that sends your species back to the Stone Age where you should be living in a cave and hunting with a club, you Neanderthal!”

Will dropped his fists, placed his hands on his hips and stared. “What did you call me?”

It was evident William Jenkins’ threatening scowl was not impressing his little Aussie angel.

“A Neanderthal.” Imitating her older cousin, Kinsey began ticking off the syllables with her fingers. “Ne. An. Der. Thaaaal… you pig-headed, egoistical, moron. It mystifies me how you are in charge of a newspaper let alone be a Harvard graduate.”

“See here now! Lancer! You need to be teaching this cousin of yours some manners.”

Scott grinned. “I did. I’m very pleased with the progress she‘s made.”

“Well, I not pleased at all.” William Samuel Jenkins then sealed his tea party invitation by glaring down at Kinsey and announcing, “I think it’s about time someone hauled YOU out back to the woodshed. If those two don’t see the need then maybe I… ”

The editor of the Green River Gazette never got the chance to finish his sentence. Kinsey’s dead centered, forceful kick to Jenkins’ left shin bone was so surprisingly painful it bent the man over while gasping for air. Scott moved slightly forward but this time it was Johnny who held his older brother back. “Wait. I don’t think she’s quite done.”

“Take that to the woodshed, William.”

Scott’s nod to his younger brother confirmed that the delivery of Kinsey’s invitation was complete and signaled for Johnny to go retrieve the little lady.

“Darlin’, why don’t you go find Barranca and wait for me there.”

Tossing her hair that had come undone, Kinsey turned on her heels and dismissed William Samuel Jenkins from her sight.

William had some difficulty straightening up to look at the younger brother. “You can keep her.”

Johnny grinned. “I plan to.”

With a concerned expression, Scott watched Doc Jenkins’ son walk with a slight limp. “You may want your father to take a look at that leg, Will.”

The two brothers patiently waited until they were certain the younger Jenkins was out of range of their laughter.

“Well Boston, do you think Murdoch will get wind of this?”

“Highly unlikely. I don’t think the editor will be anxious to put tonight’s events on the front page of the Gazette.”

Johnny smiled at the full moon that was slowly rising to claim its place in the night sky. “I was thinkin’ maybe Barranca and me give Half-pint a moonlight ride home. You know, just the three of us…with your permission, of course.”

“Little brother, you have my permission. It’s an excellent evening to take in the full moon. In fact, I believe I will find the McGuire twins and we will go see how well that full moon reflects off the cool waters of Martin’s Lake.”


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