“A bet is a bet, son.”
Scott found himself the next morning standing in front of Murdoch’s desk pleading his case.
“But it was just a stupid bet.”
“Scott, I can’t control your poor judgment during a poker game.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Murdoch leaned back and folded his hands over his chest. “I apologize for my confusion. Please explain.”
Scott stared at his father. It didn’t show but the man was enjoying this. “The game wasn’t a serious poker game. Was it Johnny?”
At this moment, Johnny, who had taken a seat far enough away to listen in on the conversation but not be actively involved, chose to examine his thumbnail with deep interest. “I dunno Scott. Seemed serious to me.”
”Again, thank you for your support, little brother.”
“Scott, I think it might be a good idea to escort Kinsey to Philadelphia. It’s a vey long train ride across country.”
“With all do respect sir, this is a girl who got on a steamer in Australia, traveled almost 8,000 miles to California and not once fell overboard...that we know of. I believe she can make it to Philadelphia unassisted.”
“With all due respect, my son, this same girl since arriving has managed to nearly plummet off a cliff, get stuck in mud up to her sit-down, ride an ostrich, and prove to be a better poker player than you. Personally, I think it was a God given miracle she didn’t fall off the ship.”
Scott began rubbing his temples.
“Johnny, why don’t you join Scott and Kinsey?”
Johnny’s head snapped up. “What?!”
“Well, we have your attention now.”
“Sure. Why not? The both of you could travel with Kinsey then there would be two sets of eyes on her so she stays out of trouble.”
Scott at his father. “Who gets to watch Johnny?”
Johnny rose to stand next to Scott. “I dunno Murdoch. Having us both gone from the ranch? Not sure that’s a good idea.”
“It would only be for a few weeks. Who do you think handled all of this before you two arrived? Look…I’m not going to tell you what to do. Scott, if you decide not to travel with Kinsey then I will respect that and I’m sure she will too. You need to do what you think is best.”
While Murdoch spoke Scott had wandered over to look out at the land through the large window that dominated his father’s study.
“I need to go talk to Kinsey.”
It took a few minutes but Scott finally located her on the side veranda at a small table usually reserved for a checker game. Today however, the table was playing host to Kinsey’s game of solitaire.
Scott pulled up a chair and pointed.
“Black 4 on the red 5.”
She smiled slightly and placed the card in the appropriate place.
“Kinsey, I would like to talk to you.”
Scott watched his cousin move a red 6 to join a black 7. “I would also like you to put away the cards so I know you’re listening.”
Kinsey sighed, gathered up the cards to form a neat stack, folded her hands and focused on her older cousin. “I’m listening.”
“There’s something I need to confess to you.”
Kinsey went to open her mouth but Scott stopped her by placing his finger near her lips. “No. My turn. You’re listening…remember?”
Kinsey closed her mouth and nodded.
“The letter you received in Melbourne. It wasn’t written by me.”
“Yes, I know.”
Now it was Scott’s turn to open and then close his mouth. “You know? Murdoch told you?”
Kinsey was adamant that Murdoch did not tell her nor would either of them tell Murdoch she knew from the beginning Scott didn’t write it.
“When I received that letter I was so excited! In it was everything I wanted to hear…”reconnect”, “go to Philadelphia”, “visit the ranch”….I thought this was just too good to be true and I began to have my doubts. So I took the letter to the Government House and requested to view their guest book…you know…the one you signed the day of the luncheon….”
Scott finished Kinsey’s sentence. “…and you compared the handwriting.”
Scott sat back and met Kinsey’s eyes. “You mean to tell me you got on a ship, traveled thousands of miles to California and all the time not certain who would be meeting you or how you would be treated.”
“I was extremely happy to see your face Scott when I arrived in Stockton.”
Scott didn’t know whether to hug her or shake her. He did know he was very proud of his cousin for her courage to take a chance, although, her lack of common sense had him worried. “I’m going to escort you to Philadelphia.” Scott smiled. “A bet is a bet. All’s fair.”
Kinsey held up her hand. “Now I need to confess something to you.”
The little cousin picked up the deck of cards, shuffled, cut them once, then twice, reshuffled and finally dealt them each five cards.
Kinsey gestured with her hand. “Turn them over.”
Scott revealed each card one at a time.
Jack. Jack. Jack. Jack. Nine.
Kinsey repeated the process with her cards.
Queen. Queen. Queen. Queen. Ten.
Scott’s expression of disbelief soon turned into one that asked for an explanation.
“One of my friend’s brother, Sean Willowby…well…he’s a very good at rugby and poker playing. So one evening Sean taught me a few card tricks…and… also how to kiss.” Kinsey sighed. “You see… I didn’t win fairly last night so the bet is invalid. Please don’t be upset with me.”
“Kinsey, I’m not upset. In fact, I’m rather amused that you are a little cheater and no one caught it and may I suggest you never tell Johnny. However, I’m not sure of my feelings regarding some rugby playing card shark teaching you the art of kissing.”
Redirecting the conversation, Kinsey mentioned under the circumstances it would be best that tomorrow she would board the train to Philadelphia alone. Fair is fair. No hard feelings.
Scott picked up the cards and began to shuffle. “Tell you what little cousin…I propose there be a new wager. We cut the deck. High card wins and the winner makes the decision on escort or no escort. Agreed?”
Kinsey insisted this was not necessary but the determined look on Scott’s face insisted she agree.
Scott placed the deck in front of Kinsey and signaled she will go first. Kinsey cut the deck, viewed her card and then turned it around for Scott to see.
“It’s a Jack. How ironic.”
Scott then blew on his fingers and ceremoniously cracked his knuckles while Kinsey rolled her eyes. Reaching down he cut the deck, looked at his card and then displayed it for Kinsey to see.
“Ace of Hearts. Will you please go find Johnny and tell him to start packing? He will be joining us.”
It took a moment for the words to sink in. ”Really? You mean it? Are you sure? Honestly?!”
“Yes. I’m sure I honestly really mean it.”
Kinsey blinked away tears while blessing Scott with a contagious laugh and a hug around the neck that was just shy of strangulation.
“Thank you! This will be extraordinary! We need to make travel plans! I can’t believe this!”
“Yes, this will definitely be extraordinary. Now go find Johnny.”
He smiled as he listened to Kinsey scream Johnny’s name throughout the hacienda. Picking up the deck and shuffling the cards Scott spoke to no one in particular.
“Sean Willowby isn’t the only one that knows a few card tricks.”