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Day Two - Observing

Writer: ljellis57ljellis57

Updated: May 9, 2023

The ranch didn’t care it had a special guest visiting. It still demanded some of the weekly routines to take place. Scott and Johnny rose at daybreak to ride the upper fence line looking for breaks, strays or whatever Mother Nature had blessed them with since their last visit. It wouldn’t take more than a few hours and they should be back before Kinsey even got out of bed. While Johnny fetched the horses, Scott sat on the fence to enjoy the last sips of his coffee and watch the sunrise turn the sky a vivid salmon and purple.

(I will never get tired of seeing this.)

From behind footsteps and hooves approached. Not wanting to miss the last of God’s painting Scott spoke without viewing his riding companion.



Scott almost choked on his final swallow of coffee as he turned around. Johnny was nowhere to be found but there stood Kinsey. The girl was dressed appropriately (no lace and petticoats present) and by her side a beautiful chestnut mare, saddled, and anxious for an adventure.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“Riding with you and Johnny this morning.”

“This is no pleasure excursion.”

“Well, I wouldn’t think so if you’re looking for fence breaks and strays.”

(How did she know?)

Arriving with two more saddled horses, Johnny stepped into the conversation.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“Riding with you and Scott.”

“She’s riding with us?”

“No. She’s not.”

“Yes. I am.”

“This ain’t a little jaunt with a mint julep, halfpint.”

“Is that remark a reflection on my height?!”

“Who gave you permission to go?”


“Who gave you this horse? Nevermind. I know the answer.”

“I’m going.”



“I think she just called you a name in that down-under lingo of hers.”

“Quit stating the obvious Johnny.”

Kinsey mounted her horse and then leaned down so she was nose to nose with Scott.



Kinsey informed the brothers she would be waiting at the main gate and rode off.

Scott began talking…to…well…Johnny wasn’t sure.

“Like glue. You bet your backside like glue. Stubborn. Argumentative. Know it all. Fine. First word I hear that remotely sounds like complaining and that little discussion we had yesterday won’t compare to…I’ll sit you down….Johnny, what are you doing?”

Observing. That’s what he was doing and he was good at it. Johnny would quietly watch, calculate, and file information away in his memory all the while blessing his subject with a sly grin. What had he observed about Scott’s cousin so far? Well, for starters, she was cute as a button. A man would have to be blind not to see that. She also had a temper. That blind man would also need to be deaf to disagree. Traveling out to the fence line, Johnny observed the girl knew how to ride. In fact, Johnny was surprised how well she handled a horse considering she owned one of those fancy racehorses. He assumed it was just another expensive gift to a spoiled little kid who had no interest in the beauty of the animal. Then there was Kinsey’s streak of independence which got under Scott’s skin. Actually, Johnny found that one amusing. There were a few other answers he hadn’t nailed down yet but he’d eventually figure them out because…observing. Johnny Lancer was darn good at that.


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