Scott purchased the two ostriches shortly before he set sail on The Enchantress. It wasn’t the most popular decision he had ever made. Murdoch made that clear. And Johnny downright despised the birds at first. But now, they were permanent members of their adopted ranch family which to date included several kittens, two dogs, a goose, three rabbits and most recently one baby calf.
While Scott was at sea it was Teresa who began contacting the ostrich farm Scott had visited and she discovered the birds were trained to pull smaller two wheel carts. It was also Teresa who convinced Murdoch to purchase two of these carts with the main purpose of inviting children from town to spend a day at the ranch with the ostriches. Actually, it wasn’t going to be that difficult to grant Kinsey her wish of a great race. The question in Scott’s mind was the difference between a slow loop around the yard versus a neck-breaking run down the road and how the ostriches would feel about this.
It also became apparent that Kinsey’s focus was now on the pageantry of the event than the actual race. It took minimal effort to recruit Teresa in raiding old trunks of clothes to find just the right hats for everyone to wear. Maria volunteered to make pitchers of her famous lemonade while Jelly insisted he was the best person to declare the winners at the finish line. Murdoch would officiate at the starting line to be certain no cheating was afoot.
“Here’s your hat Johnny.”
Scott watched his brother take the derby hat from Kinsey like she had just handed him a live rattlesnake. Scott settled down under a shade tree with the anticipation of what was about to unfold in front of him.
“What is this?”
“It’s your hat for the race.”
“Half-pint I’m not putting this on my head.”
“But it’s your hat for the race.”
“And I’m not wearing it.”
“What are you trying to say Johnny?”
Scott observed the familiar crossing of the arms and the dark storm cloud that was brewing on Kinsey’s face. It was about to be a tea party kind of moment. Scott leaned forward not wanting to miss a second of his brother’s response.
Johnny took a deep breath, examined the hat and compared it to the expression on Kinsey’s face.
“All right, little girl… I will wear this sorry excuse for a hat today and today only. And after the final race this hat will go back into the musty old trunk it came out of and I never want to see it again.”
Scott gazed up at the crystal blue sky. Johnny is falling in love.
It was obvious the ostriches had been bored all along with the slow loops around the yard and embraced the thought of running head-on down the road. Scott and Johnny insisted they take the first run to be certain everything was safe and in working order. Kinsey balked at that decision.
“I should be part of the first run since this was my idea.”
Scott bent down to be nose-to-nose with his cousin and calmly commented what a shame it would be if Kinsey was made to sit on yonder tree stump for the entire day missing the race altogether.
“I see your point. Perhaps it would be best for you to check that all is safe.”
Scott was amazed at the speed of the ostriches as they raced down the road leading from the ranch. Acting like kids again the boys let out whoops and yells as they crossed the finish line. Everyone took turns that afternoon - even Maria! Most races won by a nose or beak…Scott wasn’t sure how that worked.
The grand finale showdown was between Kinsey the Ostrich and the Barranca the Palomino. As the jockeys, Kinsey and Johnny, took their places, bets were wagered. The palomino captured a close victory and was led into the winner’s circle by his jockey Miss Furlong where a trophy was presented - a pot from Murdoch’s antique silver tea service.
Johnny watched the ceremony and smiled a proud smile that this time was not meant for Barranca.
At the end of the day the cousins sat on the tree stump that almost became Kinsey’s afternoon residence sharing the last of Maria’s lemonade and reliving the Great Ostrich Race of 1870.
“Thank you Scott! This was glorious! Extraordinary! One hundred times better than the Melbourne Cup! I only wish Garrett’s Gallop was with me. He would be so much happier here.”
Scott sipped on his lemonade.
He thought Garrett’s Gallop was not the only one who would be so much happier here.