A comfortable routine was established while traveling on the Transcontinental Railway. All were fairly early risers for breakfast in the dining car. Afterwards, the three travelers would claim possession of the comfortable seating provided as the train carried them to their next destination. Scott was able to catch up on his reading, finally making it past the third chapter, where Johnny was content to gaze out the window and let the ever-changing landscape entertain him. Kinsey occupied herself with pouring over brochures and flyers advertising what the next layover had to offer.
“Denver has an opera house!”
It wasn’t necessary for Scott to glance up from his book. He could easily imagine the expression on his younger brother’s face.
“Oh Scott, we should go! I’ve never been to the opera.”
Kinsey’s last statement was puzzling. One would think with the circles his cousin ran in she had been to an opera house at least once.
Scott set his book down. “Are you telling me Freckles you have never been to an opera?” Scott, like his brother, had discovered the enjoyment of handing out nicknames.
“No. I mean, I don’t think so. If I did then I don’t remember so it would be like going for the first time. You have gone to one haven’t you? People say they are…magical.”
“Somebody going to pull a rabbit out of a hat during one of these operas?”
Scott grinned. Sometimes his little brother just couldn’t help himself,
Kinsey stared. “Yes John. And when it comes to sawing a man in half I shall be volunteering you.”
Scott seemed it time to redirect the conversation. “They are magical in a way. Operas are filled with beautiful singing, lavish costumes and usually the story is very dramatic. Once we arrive in Denver we will look into attending.”
Kinsey stood. “Thank you! This will be such a wonderful experience for all three of us. Now, I believe I will venture to the dining car for something to drink.”
Remaining focused on his book, Scott put his foot up on the opposite bench to block Kinsey’s path.“Lemonade.”
“Excuse me?”
“Lemonade. It’s the word you will say when ordering your drink.”
“Don’t be silly.”
Scott didn’t budge.
“Quit being a goof.”
Scott didn’t budge.
“Fine. Lemonade.”
Smiling Scott removed his foot to let Kinsey pass.
“Boston, we need to talk about this ‘opera attending experience’.”
“Are you passing on the magic hat trick and opting for the disappearing act?”
“Is that a choice?”
“Highly unlikely.”
Johnny returned his gaze out the window. “What are Kinsey’s parents like?”
“Planning on marrying into the family, little brother?”
“I’m not planning on marrying into anyone’s family right now.”
“I see. You‘re just…curious.”
Johnny nodded. “Yes. Curious.”
Accepting the inevitable, Scott placed a bookmark in his novel and laid it aside. Chapter 6 would need to wait. “I met them briefly while in Melbourne. They seemed distant and not really involved in Kinsey’s comings and goings.”
“I guess that explains her independent streak.”
“I think it definitely explains her distaste for the word ‘no’.”
Scott continued. “Her father is into finances. He’s cut and dry. Seems very successful but never happy with the success he achieves.”
“He sounds boring.”
Scott agreed. “Kinsey’s mother is a cold fish. I think she harbors a lot of hard feelings. I know she wanted no parts of striking up a conversation with me. I’m surprised she agreed to let her daughter make this trip.”
“What about her grandfather?”
“Asking if her grandfather is as warm and charming as mine?”
Scott’s sarcasm was not lost on Johnny so he returned the favor.
“I don’t think anyone can be as warm and as charming as Harlan Garrett.”
Scott sighed, sat back and folded his arms. “I know very little about Fletcher Garrett and I’m not sure how much Kinsey knows or what her mother, Eleanor, has said regarding the man. I do know Fletcher and Eleanor broke all ties when the Furlongs moved to Australia. Murdoch told me this, not Kinsey. I’ve tried to get her to open up and talk about it. I’ll get a few details, then it’s like this curtain is drawn. I see it in her eyes. She eventually shares her thoughts when given enough time, however, the wait can certainly be frustrating.”
If there was to be a further discussion on the subject it ended when Kinsey arrived back juggling three lemonades.
“Champagne anyone?”
“Half pint, your humor and your lack of respect for consequences are a dangerous combination.”
“I couldn’t agree more, little brother.”
Lost in their thoughts each of the travelers sipped on their lemonade and watched the Rockies grow larger on the horizon.
All agreed.