“Rose Garrett?”
Scott looked at his younger brother holding the envelope as they sat in the dining room waiting for Kinsey to join them.
“Hell, Scott. That old man after all these years still won’t accept his granddaughter’s name is Kinsey?”
Scott returned the envelope to his coat pocket. “According to Fletcher Garrett, it was not a proper name for a girl of social status. He insisted on an old family name, Rose. Eleanor went against her father’s wishes and had her daughter christened Kinsey. I believe we have found the source of my cousin’s rebellious nature. Also, Eleanor’s choice of husband fell from grace, which gives us the last name of Garrett. Kinsey Furlong meets Rose Garrett.”
“And old man Garrett hasn’t budged an inch. I believe we have also found the source of your cousin’s stubbornness. Rebellious and stubborn; that’s quite a mix.”
“I agree. The man who takes on Kinsey will have his hands full. I hope you can handle it, little brother.”
Scott watched his brother’s sly grin unfold, however, offered no response to his comment but instead changed the subject.
“When are you showing half-pint the note?”
“Let’s enjoy a good meal and more than one glass of wine first.”
Kinsey arrived looking “cute as a button” as Johnny would say. Scott could never figure out what was cute about a button but if his cousin’s the example then yes, buttons are cute.
After an excellent steak and well into their second glass of wine, Scott pulled the envelope from his pocket. “Honey, we need to talk about something.”
“Yes, I know.”
“You know. Ok, smart britches, how do you know?”
Kinsey held up her wine. “Well, this is my second glass and it’s not lemonade.”
Scott placed the envelope in front of Kinsey. “This was waiting at the front desk.”
As Kinsey read the name on the envelope, Scott watched a dark storm of biblical proportion begin to roll in across his cousin’s face and realized he had just committed two strategic blunders; Kinsey’s second glass of wine and handing her the envelope in a public place.
“I see my mother is correct. My grandfather is indeed a bloody arse.”
“Johnny, we need to get her out of here.”
Kinsey opened the envelope to read the note. “Well now, we have an appointment with Fletcher Garrett at 2:00 pm tomorrow. An appointment. Not an invitation. Not a request.” Kinsey held the note up to the dinner guests across the room. “An appointment as if I’m one of his bloody business associates.”
It was a struggle but Johnny managed to get Kinsey upstairs and now after paying for their meals, Scott could hear the lightning bolts as he walked down the hallway towards their room. Entering, he found Johnny patiently absorbing Kinsey’s ranting.
“Are we riding out this storm, Boston?”
“Yes, unless you have a better solution.”
“I might.”
“Then, by all means, you have my permission.”
Johnny walked over to the nightstand, filled a glass half full of water and approached Kinsey from behind.
Kinsey spun around to be met with a face full of cold water. Johnny anticipated the slap in the face the little lady was about to bestow upon him. Grabbing her wrist he held it in mid-air. “Kinsey Rose! Settle! Ain’t the end of the world, darlin’.”
Scott observed the scene as it played out in front of him and only one word came to his mind.