Murdoch coveted a quiet afternoon. It was so rare a moment when the ranch blessed him with one as it had today. Stealing off to his study, the patriarch selected one of his fine leather-bound editions from the shelf. Like the oldest son, the father never grew tired of Emerson.
Only a few minutes had passed when Murdoch noticed a raised voice filtering through an open window. The first raised voice was soon joined by a second voice, which now created a heated discussion. Hoping that whatever the problem was would play out, Murdoch turned the page and revisited Emerson.
It was soon apparent this would not be the case as a third indignant voice joined the first two elevating the heated discussion to a fiery debate. Slowly shutting his book, Murdoch closed his eyes and prayed for silence. Before “amen” could be uttered a fourth high-pitched voice joined the first three thus turning the fiery debate into a full-blown raging argument.
Rising, he followed the sounds of the vehement, disagreeing opinions until he reached the courtyard and discovered the source; four participants totally committed to a verbal brawl. Knowing that even his booming voice would carry little weight against the roar, Murdoch picked up a nearby metal bucket and with its ladle produced enough racket to stop the quarreling foursome in mid-sentences.
“Inside. Now.”
Frozen where they stood, no one breathed.
Leaning against his desk, Murdoch surveyed the line-up in front of him. To his far left stood his youngest son, arms crossed, staring at the floor, refusing to make eye contact. Next to him was his ward, hands folded with a slight smile on her face; confident she was not the cause of the disagreement. Next to her was his oldest son, hands on hips and wearing a sheepish expression certainly inspired by the fact he had let the argument grow out of control. And finally next to him was the latest addition to the family; the Aussie cousin with brown eyes big as saucers confirming that the last encounter she had with this tall man over her broken rule was still a vivid memory.
“Children, and yes, I’m using the correct term when I say children, you have interrupted my rare, quiet afternoon that I had planned to spend with Emerson. In fact, discord has been running through this household over the last few days, which exhausted my patience and has led each of us to this moment. I want answers.”
All four voices chimed in at once offering explanations. Murdoch, holding up his hand, bellowed.
Somewhere in the hacienda a picture rattled and fell off the wall.
“No one will speak until he or she is spoken to. Is that understood my children? Now…”
Murdoch’s cold gaze worked its way up and down the party of four until it came to rest on…
“Teresa. Can you please start from the beginning?”
Teresa cheerfully responded. “Murdoch, the town hall dance is coming up soon. I simply felt what a wonderful opportunity for Kinsey to meet new people. Imagine my surprise when she expressed no interest in going! My concern grew when she continued to decline my suggestion that she attend so I went to Scott and he said...”
“Stop. Thank you, Teresa.”
“But, I wasn’t finished.” One look told Teresa she was, in fact, finished.
Murdoch’s gaze next settled on…
“Will you please tell me how you handled this revelation Teresa bestowed upon you?”
Scott cleared his throat and took time to choose his words wisely. “Well, I too was concerned after hearing how Kinsey was quite…adamant…in her refusal to attend the dance. Seeking her out and gently questioning her on the matter, I was surprised to learn that…”
“Stop.” Murdoch eyes shifted slightly to the right. “Kinsey, can you please enlighten me on why you didn’t want to go.”
“Of course. I can’t dance due to the expulsion after three lessons from Madame Edgar’s dance class because I refused to touch my designated partner let alone dance with him because he smelled like dirty socks.”
Murdoch raised his hand.
“May I add that he was Madame Edgar’s son?”
“No. You may not.”
Murdoch’s gaze returned to…
“After hearing this fascinating piece of Kinsey’s past how did you proceed?”
“Well, I felt dance lessons were in order so considering I’m not too old,” Scott quickly glance at his cousin, “to remember a few steps I was happy to help Kinsey with her dilemma. All was going well until Johnny showed up.”
“I see.” Murdoch raised his hand.
“I would like to add more.”
“Oh. I’m sure you would.”
Murdoch eyes scanned to the left until his youngest son came into view.
“Murdoch.” Johnny’s sly grin was not lost on his father.
“Would you like to comment on your brother’s last statement?”
“Look, I meant no harm.”
Scott cleared his throat.
“My son, do you have a problem?”
Scott stared at his younger brother. “No, but there is always the possibility.”
“Johnny, please continue.”
“All I wanted to know was why suddenly this big interest in getting Kinsey to the town hall dance. Seems to me she’s perfectly happy and some of us need to keep their nose out of other people’s business. Isn’t that right…”
Johnny’s gaze returned to the floor.
“Teresa. Would you know of a good reason why it’s important Kinsey attends the town hall dance?”
A bit surprised the center of attention had returned to her, Teresa recovered quickly.
“Well, I may have promised someone that Kinsey would be there.”
“And who would this young man be you made the promise to?”
“William Jenkins.”
Murdoch smiled. “I see. Teresa you are excused.” Smiling, his ward nodded and left the room.
Taking the cue from her older cousin respectively responded. “Yes, Sir?”
“I am pleased your lack of confidence on the dance floor has been restored. William is the son of a very dear friend of mine, Sam. How you have not met Doc Jenkins due to a broken bone remains a mystery to me. His son is a fine young man and I encourage you honor him with a dance or two. However, that will be all you honor him with or any young man during the night of the dance. If I hear otherwise, half-pint, you and I will be having another necessary talk. Do we have an understanding?”
Kinsey mustered a nod.
“Very well, you are dismissed.”
Scott never saw Kinsey move so fast.
Murdoch’s gaze returned to his oldest.
“Yes, Sir.”
“I know having Kinsey joining us was at first not a situation you were comfortable with. However, I commend you for accepting it. Am I wrong in assuming you now feel responsible for her well being?”
Scott smiled. “I have been accused of being an Over Zealous Protector of the Universe.”
Murdoch matched his son’s smile. “I always thought that was my title. Scott, you are doing a fine job. I will only step in when necessary. Please go find Kinsey and make sure she is not in the kitchen.”
Scott nodded and before excusing himself glanced at his younger brother. “I’m confident Johnny’s only concern matches mine.”
Murdoch nodded and rested his gaze upon his youngest.
“Well Murdoch…looks like it’s just you and me…again.”
“I can’t deny a pattern is forming.” Murdoch paused before continuing. “Son, I believe you have grown fond of Kinsey. You don’t need to agree I only ask that you listen. I can’t deny I have made mistakes in the past, with Scott’s mother and with yours. I can tell you jealousy is a terrible monster that will destroy what a man can hold most dear. Let’s leave it at that unless you would like to stay and talk more.”
Emerson could wait.