Boston, Massachusetts
Beacon Hill
Scott was correct when relating to Kinsey that she “had no idea” when it came to experiencing one of his grandfather’s celebrations. As people ebbed and flowed through the front door, Scott swore he could hear their home sigh under the strain. Not only were there the Cabots and the Lowells but also the Appletons, the Crowninshields, the Endicotts, the Thayers, the Lodges …and they were only the first hour of scheduled guests.
“Three more hours to go.” mumbled Scott. “God help us all.”
“Scott Lancer! You have come back to us.”
Scott turned to smile at Mrs. Appleton...or was it Mrs. Endicott? “Only for a visit my dear woman, only for a visit.”Oh, how he missed riding in the openness of the San Joaquin Valley. As he observed the scene which was unfolding in front of him, a wave of guilt washed over Harlan’s grandson. He shouldn’t scoff at this life that meant so much to him only a few years ago. There has to be a middle ground between his two worlds. Scott was determined to find it.
Harlan was at his finest as he introduced Kinsey to business associates, contributors, a Harvard president, government officials, and a few so-called heiresses. Kinsey easily fell back into the only lifestyle she had known until just a few months ago. Scott enjoyed watching his little cousin maneuver through the Boston’s elite like the well-seasoned socialite he spotted that day at Melbourne’s Government House luncheon.
During the second hour of the Thorndikes, the Putnams, the Cushings, the Wigglesworths, and the Winthrops, Kinsey’s smile began to falter slightly and her eyes were telling Scott that perhaps his cousin was growing a bit weary. ”Yawn just once little girl,” Scott grinned. “I have my ‘I Told You So’ lecture all ready for delivery.”
“Mr. Lancer, meet my niece, Miss Sarah Appleton.”
Bowing to the young lady presented to him, Scott knew immediately what this rising socialite was searching for; high finances, status, and a man. By the look on her face, Harlan’s grandson was not fitting the bill, much to the grandson’s relief.
The last hour was filled with Endicotts, Gillets, Coolidges, and Palfreys. What the hour wasn’t filled with, Scott noticed, was a Furlong. The kitchen was the older cousin’s first guess.
“Misery loves company, Winnie. Where is she?”
“Ah, ScottyGarrett, enjoying yourself are ye?”
“I’m enjoying the delicious food that came out of your kitchen this evening and we will leave it at that.”
“So ye have misplaced the wee lass?”
“The wee lass purposely misplaces herself.”
“Have ye tried yer grandfather’s study? Perhaps Kinsey needed a moment away from her cousin’s ever-present thoughtful guidance.”
“It’s called an Over-Zealous Protector of the Universe and I’m rather proud of the title.”
Expecting to see his little cousin curled up on the settee sound asleep, Scott was surprised to find her engaged in deep conversation with two of Harlan’s female guests. Not wanting to interrupt, Scott quietly removed himself from the room only to be discovered by his grandfather.
“Scotty, where is Kinsey Rose? Mrs. Palfrey wishes to see some of her sketches.”
“Kinsey’s with two of your guests in your study.”
Looking past his grandson and through the archway leading to the study’s three occupants, Harlan frowned. “No. Not my guests directly. Please bring Kinsey back to the party.”
“Who are they?”
“Mrs. Julia Ward Howe and Lucy Stone. Retrieve Kinsey. Now.”
The next morning Scott found himself rising later than usual as he entered the kitchen for his coffee.
“I guess Freckles is still sound asleep after her big introduction to Boston last night.”
Winnie nodded. “I’m sure ye be seein‘ the little one soon enough. In the meantime, yer grandfather is in the dining room. Go. I have work to do and yer in my way.”
Kissing his dear friend on top of the head, Scott grabbed the blueberry muffins fresh out of the oven and took the hint.
A light tap was heard on the back door of the kitchen. Drying her hands, Winnie quietly let Kinsey in.
“He’s with his grandfather.”
Kinsey scampered up the back stairs and momentary reappeared dressed in her nightgown and robe.
“Wait.” Winnie pulled a few hairpins from Kinsey’s curls to let them fall. “Now, you look like you need your first cup of coffee.”