Scott knocked once and entered the room. Kinsey, curled up in the corner of her bed, had changed into her nightgown and robe for the evening - the book Johnny gave her on her lap.
Spying two chairs at a small writing table Scott moved them to the center of the room facing each other. Sitting down in one he pointed to Kinsey to sit down in the other. “Come here. I want to talk to you.”
“Scott, did you see the book Johnny gave me? I was just about to begin reading.”
“One. Two. Three.”
“What are you doing?”
“Counting to ten. Four. Five.”
“I was about to go to sleep.”
“I thought you were about to read. Six. Seven.”
“What happens after ten?”
“Guess you’ll find out if I need to say eleven. Eight. Nine.”
Reluctantly, Kinsey tossed the book aside, rose from the bed, sat in the unoccupied chair and folded her hands in her lap.
Scott held up the note he had received moments before at the front desk. “Are you responsible for this?”
Watching his cousin squirm slightly in her chair while staring at her hands confirmed the answer he already knew. “One. Two. Three.”
“Yes! Quit counting! I’m responsible for the note. And now you’re mad at me.”
“I’m extremely unhappy with you.”
“Isn’t that mad?”
“You have yet to see mad.”
“I was trying to help.”
“No, you were trying to get me to do something you think is a good idea and disregarded how I felt about the situation AND was being sneaky about it. Which leads to my next question.” The note was presented a inch from the little cousin’s nose. “How did you do this?”
“The gentleman at the front desk…he’s such a nice man…he knows everyone…did you know quite a few men in Grant’s delegation are staying here? And he knows everyone…”
Scott now knew what it felt like falling down a rabbit hole. “One! Two!”
“Alright! I asked the gentlemen if he could get a message to one of Sheridan’s aides. I didn’t know if it would work until you held up the note. Scott, I’m sorry. I thought….“ Kinsey held out hands. “No. I wasn’t thinking at all. I was terribly wrong and I apologize.”
Scott sighed. She made it so difficult to stay angry. “I know you honestly thought this was going to be helpful and for that reason I am accepting your apology. Kinsey, tomorrow I want the three of us to enjoy the events of the day together. That is what I would appreciate the most.
Do you understand?”
“Yes.” A smile lightened the discussion. “Thank you, Scott, for your patience.”
An eyebrow raised. You’re not off the hook yet, little lady. “I want to see the book Johnny gave you.”
With a puzzled look, Kinsey retrieved the book from the bed and placed it in Scott’s waiting hand.
“This is to be read on the train and not half the night. It stays with me until then. Care to discuss?”
Kinsey quickly calculated the odds.
Scott rose, kissed his cousin on top of the head and wished her goodnight. Standing in the hallway he looked at the book.
“Nice man at the front desk who knows everyone; let’s see how good you really are.”
The next day brought all the pageantry associated with a grand parade celebrating the visit of a president and past general. The streets and buildings were decorated in patriotic regalia with the massive crowds waving flags and cheering. Kinsey was a force to be reckoned with as she elbowed her way through the crowd to be near the front. It was a challenge to keep her in sight.
“Half pint! Slow down!”
“I can’t see!”
“Brother, I’m ready to hook her to that flagpole!”
Scott was able to snag his cousin by the arm and make a final push to the front of the crowd. The Grants were riding in a special horse-drawn carriage, surrounded by bodyguards consisting of officers who once served under the general. Leading the entire parade was the Grand Marshal, Philip Sheridan, mounted on an old warhorse. Scott watched his former commanding officer make his way up the street. The man looked the same, perhaps a bit grayer. As Sheridan grew closer, Scott discovered some of confidence and pride he felt the day the two best friends enlisted had returned. For just a moment General Sheridan looked at Scott, smiled and nodded. Scott returned the gesture. He knew there was a slim chance of actual recognition on the general’s part. It didn’t matter. It still felt good.
The rest of the day was filled with maneuvering through crowds and taking pleasure in the festive atmosphere. Bed never felt so wonderful that night.
Rising early the next morning to make the train to Washington, Scott retrieved the “Adventures of Tom Sawyer” for Kinsey to pack in her bag. Looking at the inside cover Scott read…
To an imaginative, creative, mischievous, young lady. May all your adventures be extraordinary.
Mark Twain
The gentleman at the front desk does indeed know everyone.
Knocking and opening his cousin’s hotel room door Scott spotted her packed bags packed but no Kinsey. Rolling his eyes he mentally starts going through all the places she could be. During their travels, like Scott and Johnny, Kinsey developed the love of fresh morning coffee. He knew he guessed correctly when he went downstairs and spotted his cousin enjoying a cup in a smaller room off from the main dining area. His relief turned into concern when he saw a gentleman, his back to Scott, was also at the table deep in conversation with his cousin. Her total trust in perfect strangers was aging Scott quickly.
“I’ve been looking for you, Kinsey.”
“Ah, this must be Lieutenant Lancer.”
As the man rose and turned Scott found himself face to face with Ulysses S. Grant.
“Your little cousin said if she was missing in action long enough you would show up.”
“Sir.” Out of pure habit Scott found himself coming to attention.
“No, no, son. At ease. A hearty handshake will be more than sufficient. Kinsey hasn’t stopped talking about you since the coffee was poured. From Boston, correct?”
“2nd Regimental Massachusetts Cavalry, Sir.”
“Under Sheridan. Good man.”
“I will not argue that, sir.”
“I understand you spent time at Libby.”
Scott paused. “Yes, sir.”
Grant took a moment to collect his thoughts. “We lost many brave men there. And, thank God, we had many brave men make it out. I have learned you can’t choose some outcomes but you can certainly decide what to do with what you’re handed. But you strike me as a man who already understands that.”
Scott smiled and nodded. “Understanding more each day, sir.”
Grant turned to reach for Kinsey’s hand. ”Young lady I must leave now. If I’m missing in action long enough it is Mrs. Grant who shows up.”
“Mr. President . It’s been an honor to meet you, sir.”
”No son. It is I who is honored to meet you.”
Before leaving Grant turnEd back one more time. “I will give Sheridan your regards. The man was up half the night drinking with that Twain fella. He won’t be down for coffee until noon.”
Kinsey and Scott watched as the President disappeared around the corner. “What a nice man. I invited him to visit the next time he’s in California. He said he would make every effort.”
Scott continued to nod and smile as Kinsey continued to tell him about her conversations with Grant and then retell it to Johnny on their way to the train station.